.Chapter Nineteen.

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Even when Olivia told him to leave, Elliot stayed beside his wife's side and watched as she gave him another son. But as soon as their baby was laid against Olivia's chest and both parents got to work on calming him down, Olivia looked up at her husband.

"Go make sure the kids are okay. Please. Please, El. Go." Olivia begged, and Elliot was about to object, but then he saw as tears welled in Olivia's eyes once again. He leaned down and kissed her lips before caressing his son's head for a short moment.

"I'll be back soon. Once I can figure this all out." Elliot breathed, before turning on his heel and walking towards the door.

"Can we name him real quick? Before you leave? Please?" Olivia asked, and Elliot stopped and smiled to himself before turning and looking at his wife.

"Anything for you, my love."


Elliot pulled up to his house and saw the red and blue lights flashing on cop cars, and he could hear sirens in the distance. Elliot quickly got out of the van and went running towards the front door. He tore off the police tape before stepping into the house and looking at the scene around him. 

Picture frames had bullet holes through them, and there was some blood splattered on the wall. Elliot was quick to start yelling the names of his family members that had been in the house, but only a few cops could manage to come to the front room.

"Mr. Stabler, no need to be alarmed. Your children and nephew are at the hospital right now-"

"What about Amanda and Fin? Where the fuck are they?!" Elliot exclaimed.

"Detective Tutuola was taken to the hospital with a few bullet wounds, but there wasn't a woman here. Was there supposed to be?" The office asked, and Elliot quickly ran past them to Logan's room. He stopped when he saw two bloody handprints on the light blue comforter.

"Find her. I will make sure neither of you has a job with the NYPD if you do not get Detective Amanda Rollins back to my family in one piece!"

Elliot was beyond angry, but this time it wasn't with Amanda. He went running from the house and went straight back to the van. Now he had to go to the hospital and see if his children were okay and if Fin was going to survive.


Olivia was in her hospital room, little Wyatt Sebastian sleeping against her chest. She was rubbing small circles against his bare back as she tried to figure out what might have happened at her house while she was here and in labor.

She was just about to close her eyes to drift off to sleep when the door opened and Elliot walked in. Olivia looked over and smiled at him.

"What are you doing here? Where are the kids? Amanda? Fin?" Olivia asked quickly.

"The kids are with a nurse. They are just waiting for Lucy to come to get them. Uh, Fin is in surgery... the people came for Amanda. They tried to kill him. And I think they took Amanda... she's nowhere to be found." Elliot breathed, and he watched as his wife started to close herself off from him.

It's been so long since she's done this, and it was making him nervous. Elliot crossed the floor and sank down beside his wife. He gently rubbed her arm before speaking.

"We will find her, Livvie. I promise you that. And the kids, all four of them are fine. Logan is a little shook up, but-"

"Fin might die. Amanda might be dead. What if this was my fault? Because we ran instead of giving them the money right away? Elliot, this is my-"

"Olivia, early tonight you were pregnant and trying to protect our child. It wasn't your fault. You both were just freaking out, and I don't blame either of you for that. She is alive, and Fin will live. Okay? Don't think otherwise right now. We are supposed to be so happy about our son." Elliot replied.

"I can't be completely happy when my best friends are dying!" Olivia spat. She was wishing that Elliot would just take a hint and walk out, but instead, he just sat there and looked at their child while his wife cried and large tears fell onto the dark brown hair on Wyatt's head.


Amanda knew that they didn't want her money. They wanted her. They wanted her to truly pay for using them. They wanted her to feel true pain and suffer for what she did.

"Why do women like you gamble and never pay back your debts, Mandy?" One of the men huffed, as he waited for his boss to come by and have fun with Amanda as the rest have done since they took her.

"I don't know." Amanda whimpered, as she laid on the cold cement floor as she tried to think about anything but the men that were forcing themselves inside of her against her will. She was thankful for this one break, but she knew it wasn't going to last. Danny was coming soon, and she'd be beaten and raped until he thought she truly paid him back.

"Once Danny is done, he'll probably pass you onto one of the other guys you owe. You will really know what it is like to be a woman, Mandy. Thanks to us." The guy laughed, and those around him joined in.

A few stepped forward and started to kick Amanda with their heavy boots until the door opened and a deep sigh stopped the men.

"Back away from her, boys. Get out of here and give us some space." The deep grumbled sounded. Amanda kept her eyes closed tightly, before feeling a large hand on the small of her back.

"I told them not to do this to you. Not to hurt you like this. They are different." The voice spoke, as it changed from a deep growl almost, to a soft whisper.

"I didn't pay you back. I'm sorry." Amanda whimpered.

"Look at me, Rollins. Pretend that I'm doing something to you so I can get you out of here in one piece."

Amanda looked up and couldn't help but start crying when she saw Brian Cassidy standing there.

"You are Danny? Brian-"

"I'm undercover, Rollins. Now, I want you to cry out and beg, alright? I'll stand by the door so they can't come in. But then I'll take you straight to my partner and he'll escort you to the hospital."

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