.Chapter One.

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Olivia and Elliot seemed to work very well under pressure. They worked their asses off to take care of Willow, Pia, and Parker. They took care of their kids all while working, planning a wedding, and while Olivia grew another human inside of her. They kept the baby a secret and didn't plan on telling anyone for some time, just to make sure that their miracle baby was strong and full of life when they were prepared to let their small family of detectives finally know.

While Olivia and Elliot were working hard, Amanda was finally done fighting for her son. Daniel, who was now known as Logan, was finally living with his mother and enjoying every second of it. He and Amanda lived so well together, that it was like they had never been apart. Lou and Jason were devastated, but when they saw Logan and Amanda reunite, they knew that their... that Amanda's son would be much happier with her. Where he could be himself and not what his adoptive parents wanted him to be.

"Look at them... they are so cute." Olivia smiled, as she stood in the doorway of the nursery, where the twins were sleeping in their cribs, and Willow laid on the floor in front of the cribs. Willow always tried to protect the three-month-old twins and guarding them in their sleep was one why she tried to protect her beloved baby brother and sister.

"Don't get emotional on me, Benson," Elliot spoke, as he wrapped his arms around Olivia's body and pulled her close. He pressed his hands gently to where his fiancee's stomach had started to swell a bit. Olivia was so excited when she realized that she was starting to get a little bump because it meant her child was growing and thriving within her.

"It's so hard to not get emotional when I'm so happy. And because I've never known what being pregnant is like..." Olivia trailed off before she went to step into the room to cover Willow up, but Elliot stopped her and held her back again.

"Just let her sleep, my love. You should go and lay down and I'll make sure dinner is ready for when Amanda and Logan come over." Elliot breathed before he kissed the back of Olivia's head.

"If you insist... but just check on the twins and make sure that they aren't too cold. If they are too hot, unbutton their jumpers a bit so it isn't up to their chins." Olivia spoke, before letting out a loud yawn. She turned around and kissed her fiance before walking past him and to their bedroom.

Elliot waited a moment before heading into the nursery. He fixed Willow's blanket, before going and checking on Pia and Parker. Parker felt warm, so he unbuttoned the top few buttons of his jumper, before quietly leaving the room. 

He stopped halfway down the hall and walked back and grabbed Olivia's hand and led her back to their room.

"Hey, let me go." She ordered, but she knew he was just looking out for her and their baby.

"I said nap, Olivia. Stop sneaking out of our room like Willow sneaks out of her toddler bed. Do you hear me, Olivia?"

"Yeah." She huffed, before letting Elliot help her into bed and let him cover her up. He left her in the room after placing a soft kiss to her forehead.


"Am I holding them right, Aunt Liv?" Logan asked as he held Pia and Parker at the same time. He was a natural with the twins, which helped a lot because Pia and Parker had proven to be trouble sometimes.

"You are doing a great job, Lo! When did you get so good holding babies?" She asked as she tucked away a few of Willow's toys, so their house looked less like a daycare and more like an actual house.

"I don't know." He smiled before his eyes went wide when Pia let out a small sneeze. 

"She's okay, Logan. She's perfectly fine. Don't worry." Olivia reassured him before Elliot walked into the living room and Olivia took his spot in the kitchen.

"Is he enjoying the babies when they are quiet?" Amanda asked, and Olivia nodded.

"He's doing great. I'm glad you got him back because he is natural with my troublesome duo. And he'll be plenty of help in the future." Olivia spoke, as she walked over and started to put the kettle on so she could make some tea.

"The babies will get better. They won't be as fussy once they get independent." Amanda replied, as she glanced out and smiled when she saw her son.

"Oh, yeah," Olivia spoke because she was hoping Amanda would realize that she was telling her about the baby. Elliot and Olivia had asked Amanda and Logan over to tell them about the baby because they couldn't hide this from them that much longer.

"Are you okay? You seem upset..." Amanda frowned.

"I'm hinting at something, Mandy. Something really important."

"If it's so important just tell me, Liv!" Amanda exclaimed, and Olivia sighed.

"The day the twins were born, I felt off. And I had for a few days... I went and got a pregnancy test from the pharmacy, and it came back positive. Elliot and I are having another baby." Olivia spoke, as tears welled in her eyes. 

Amanda's jaw dropped before she quickly walked across the floor and hugged Olivia tightly.

"This is beyond amazing, Olivia. Good stuff is happening to you and me all of a sudden." Amanda spoke, laughing softly. Olivia joined in on the laughing before they parted.

"What's so funny?" Logan asked as he came in the kitchen looking for something to clean the spit up that Parker had left on his shirt.

"Aunt Liv has a baby in her belly..." Amanda smiled, as she walked over and grabbed a piece of paper towel and wetted it.

"Another one?" He asked, and Olivia laughed softly.

"I know, four babies seem like a lot, but don't worry. You can go home at night and you don't have to change dirty diapers at all hours." Olivia grinned. She ruffled his hair before going to help Elliot with their kids.

"I'm excited to have another cousin, Mom. I really am. I just like teasing her." Logan grinned, and Amanda smiled.

"That is why you are so much like me. You are blonde and a goofball." Amanda smirked.

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