.Chapter Eighteen.

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Once Olivia was changed and her knee was cleaned up, she headed downstairs and found Logan making his mother something for dinner. Olivia stood in the doorway of the kitchen and just watched as the young boy took care of his mother.

"How's your knee, Aunt Liv?" Logan asked, and Olivia's eyes went wide. Amanda looked over at her and quickly brushed a tear from her cheek before turning her head back down so she wouldn't make eye contact with her friend.

"It's okay. It should be feeling better in the morning. Need any help?" Olivia asked, and Logan was quick to shake his head.

"No. I've got this. I'm taking care of her now. You should probably get some rest." Logan spoke, as he turned around to look at his Aunt.

"Okay, well Uncle Elliot is coming down here to make sure everything is okay. He is calling right now to get some cops to watch the house overnight so we don't get hurt." Olivia breathed, and Logan nodded.


Olivia turned and walked from the room, but Amanda didn't let her get to the stairs before stopping her and grabbing her arm. Olivia turned around to look at Amanda, but she was quickly being hugged by Amanda so she couldn't look into her eyes and see what she was thinking and feeling in the moment.

"I'm so sorry, Liv. For hurting you. For asking for a shit-ton of money. For putting you in this whole situation... I promise to make this up to you. I'll pay you back, with interest! I promise!" Amanda exclaimed as she gave Olivia a tight squeeze.

"I know you didn't mean to let this happen. But what you said was in your full control... I'm going to bed now. Get some sleep, and if you need something to wear to bed, just tell Elliot. He'll set you up."


That night, Amanda lay on her back in the bed beside her son. She had tears running down her cheeks, and it didn't help that cops were sitting around the house waiting to see if someone came to kill her. Upstairs, Amanda heard someone walking around, but she couldn't pull herself out of bed to check it out. 

Eventually, though, the door to Logan's room opened and Amanda sat up and propped herself up on her elbow and looked at Elliot.

"What's happening?" She whispered.

"Liv thinks she is in labor. I'm gonna take her to the hospital, but I need you to act like an adult and hold down the fort." Elliot spoke. He was pissed off at Amanda, but he needed her help right now since he needed to focus on Olivia and hopefully the arrival of their fourth and final child.

"Okay. Are the cops staying here? Just in case?" Amanda asked, her voice laced with worry.

"Yeah. Fin's on his way over too. Maybe it's just all a fluke and we will be home soon. If you need anything, just call me." Elliot spoke, before turning and leaving the room.

Amanda laid back down as she thought about being in the house with four kids. How she was in charge of not only her own son, but also Willow, Pia, and Parker.

"I can't let them get hurt." She whispered to herself, before rolling out of bed and leaving the room. She walked out and saw as Elliot helped Olivia pull her jacket on.

"How are you doing?" Amanda asked, and Olivia turned to look at her before shrugging.

"I'm having a baby, Amanda. Not doing great at the moment." Olivia replied with a forced smile.

"I'll make sure your kids don't get hurt. I can promise you-"

"Not the best time to get my wife thinking about our babies getting hurt. We will get in contact with you later." Elliot sighed, before placing his hand to the small of Olivia's back.


Olivia and Elliot got to the hospital and it was clear to the doctors but not the expectant parents, that their child was very well on its way into the world. Olivia was taken to a room, and Elliot waited for a nurse to come to get him so he called Amanda.

He paced the ER bay and just waited for her to answer the house phone.

"Hello?" Amanda asked, her voice low and shaking. Elliot realized that he had been too hard on her, and now she was very on edge and scared.

"Hey, so Liv's in labor for sure. They are taking her to a room and getting her settled in, then I'll be brought up to her room. But I just wanted to call and check-in. Make sure you all were okay." Elliot spoke.

"Fin showed up five minutes ago... he's keeping me sane. Uh, is she doing okay?" Amanda asked, as she looked out the window and saw as one of the cop cars drove past the house once again.

"She's in pain, but she's doing good. If she can make it through almost getting beaten to death by Shane, she can make it through giving birth to our kid. She's strong." Elliot replied.

"Got any names picked out?" Amanda asked, but then there was a loud pounding on the front door of the house, and Amanda fell to the ground as tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Amanda!" Elliot yelled when he heard her fall.

"Please go away." Amanda whimpered.


Elliot was freaking out when Amanda didn't respond to him and the line went dead. He called as many people as possible to get them over there to see what was happening, before going upstairs to where his wife was.

"Where. Were. You?" Olivia huffed out, as she paced the room awkwardly.

"I was calling Amanda and got sidetracked. Are you doing okay?" Elliot asked, and she was quick to shake her head.

"No, because they said that he is coming really soon. Like, if you would have been gone for too much longer, you might have missed our kid being born. So get over here and rub my back. Please." Olivia breathed, and Elliot quickly walked over to her.

"You can do this honey. I know you can." Elliot smiled, before kissing the back of her head.

"Are the kids okay?" Olivia asked as she started to pace her hospital room.

"F-fine." Elliot struggled to speak.

"What? Elliot?" Olivia asked, as she quickly turned to look at her husband.

"Something happened. I don't know what happened, but the call dropped and I don't know if it just dropped or if something happened to Amanda." Elliot spoke, and Olivia's eyes went wide. She walked over and started to get her stuff around to leave and head back home, but then she stopped as she drew in a sharp breath.

"Liv, we can't go home. Clearly, our kid is coming."

"But what about our other kids?" She whimpered.

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