Chapter 35 ~ Sky

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It was hard work trying to avoid and ignore Dylan all day, especially when he was trying so hard to try and sort things out. But I was still furious with him. He just seemed completely oblivious to how I felt. Yes, Joe was my ex, and he didn't treat me like he should've, but a year had to count for something right? Dylan was not the only one effected by Joe's death.

After school, I didn't wait for Dylan at the gate like I usually did, needless to say. Unfortunately for me, he was there before me. As I tried to walk through the gates with my head held high, he grabbed my arm and pulled me in.

"Get off me. I'm not in the mood." I growled at him.

"Look, Sky, there's no other way I was going to talk to you. I'm trying my best to fix this, I thought you would've too." I tried to pull away but his grip on the sleeve of my jacket only tightened.

"What are you doing? Honestly, you're just like your brother!" I scowled. His hand suddenly dropped to his side. I pretended to myself that I didn't catch the glimpse of sheer hurt in his eyes. It would have stung him, but I guess that's what it was supposed to do.

When I got home, I was expecting an empty house, because my dad was working late. But there was a fiat parked outside. Maybe it was just someone coming to visit Karen and Dylan. Visitors were pretty common since the funeral. I couldn't help but notice how tattered the Fiat looked next to Mr. Smith's shiny black BMW. I unlocked the door to my house and does my stuff on the floor before hanging my coat up. All I wanted was a hot chocolate and a Disney movie, preferably The Little Mermaid. But when I entered the kitchen, someone else was already there. I screamed before the person who was reading a magazine while sitting by the kitchen table looked up.

"Hi, little sister. That's not much of a welcome, is it?" Rosie laughed and stood up. She offered a hug, stretching her arms out. Hesitant at first, I stepped in to the hug and she held me tight.

"Sorry, Ro. You just gave me a shock." I explained.

"Really? Well, the screaming wasn't exactly calming for me either." I giggled nervously.

"Does dad know you're down?" I asked her.

"Nope. I don't really want him to know either, he'll just make to big a deal. I figured he'd probably be working late tonight. After all he's late most nights. So I just thought I'd come down and visit my little sister. I'm staying in a bed and breakfast for a week. That's okay, yeah?" She asked.

"Yeah but you'll have to be gone by ten tonight." I stated. I could have been angry at Rosie, for leaving me to grow up with Dad, but I was so happy just to have someone, someone who was my flesh and blood, who was actually taking an interest in me.

"Good. Then we should get on just fine!" Rosie chirped, and a cheeky grin appeared on her face.

We spent the rest of the evening talking. At first, it was just the basics, school, friends and interests. But then it got deeper and by seven o clock I was weeping, wiping away tears and and blowing my nose. I'd spilt everything on everything that happened in the last few months. It was nice to talk to someone who was on the outside, away from everything that went on at Sandfield. As well as venting to my sister, I found out that she now lives in Sheffield, and has a long term boyfriend called Mark. It was good to catch up, but at the same time I felt so disconnected to her.

"So what are you going to do, Sky?" She asked me at last.

"How'd you mean?"

"Well you obviously love Dylan if you care so much, and he obviously loves you if he trying his best to keep you."

I thought about this for a moment.

"And especially at a time like this, you need someone you love and in this case they need you. You just need to try and get some understanding for each other." I suddenly felt pretty stupid. It all seemed so clear and simple.

"I suppose so. Thank you. It's been really nice talking to you, Rosie. I miss you." I told her. She blushed a little. Obviously it was a family thing.

"I miss you too, Sky. But, it's just complicated. Dad was never the same after Mum. He couldn't look after two girls on his own. That's why I got out as soon as I could. So maybe he could pay some more attention to you. Has he?" She said. I'd never looked at it that way. She did it for me. I started to well up again.

"I should probably get going though, Sky. I'll see you tomorrow, how about that? Are you going to be okay on your own?" She asked.

"I'll be fine. Don't worry about me." I told her.

"Okay then. Give me a call if you need anything. And seriously, give Dylan a call. From what you're telling me, he deserves a chance." She picked up her bag and put it over her shoulder, before she ruffled my hair. I smiled at her weakly. Everything felt so empty when the front door clicked shut.

I decided to walk down the beach, secretly hoping I might find Dylan there. But it was desolate. Only when I sat down and the cold began biting at my arms did I realise I was only wearing a ratty old tshirt and a pair of ripped jeans. I quickly ran back to my house and grabbed the first hoodie I could find. Once again, I sat down in the dunes and pulled the hoodie over my head. The scent then helped me identify it as Dylan's. Peppermint and sea salt. I breathed it in, savouring memories of cozy hugs and gentle kisses. Of baby blue eyes and messy light brown hair. Of the day we spent splashing around I'm the sea, when he carried me out. The day he told me I was blind to how much he loved me. Suddenly the tears came rolling down my cheeks again, just as spiteful drops of rain began hitting my face. I cried harder, the sound of the rolling waves blocking it out. I yanked to hoodie of, the cold swallowing me like a cruel monster. I didn't care though. I cried into the hoodie, angry at myself for what I'd said to Dylan. He was pretty much perfect. How the hell did I even consider leaving him. I was so caught up in myself and the rain that I didn't hear the footsteps behind me, and I got a shock when arms picked me up. I looked up to Dylan's kind eyes. I was acting like a spoilt brat. Scratch that, I was acting like I was deranged. I thought back to the night when I went downstairs to shut Joe up. The words "crazy bitch" ran through my head. But instead of calling me names, Dylan simply hushed me and carried me back to me house, only putting me down when we reached my sofa. He lay me down, put a blanket over me and bent down to kiss my forehead.

"I'm sorry..." I whispered.

"It's okay. You should get some rest though. You shouldn't have been out there in the beginnings of a storm." He half chuckled.

"It's not okay. I've been so grumpy with you and you've been so patient. You don't need this." I said.

"Maybe not, but I need you. I don't just put up with you, Sky. I love you and I'm so lucky to have a girl like you." He smiled.

"No, you're not. You can do better. You need a Kylie, smart and pretty and tall and kind. Not a moody, stubby, blonde girl." I said.

"We never see ourselves as other people see us. To me, you're my beautiful Sky. And so much more." He grinned. I reached out a hand, which he proceed to kiss. God, what an actual gentleman.

"So you love me?" I asked, the corners of my mouth beginning to lift.

"What do you think?" He rolled his eyes and gestured for me to scootch up on the sofa. I moved across and he flopped down beside me. I put The Lion King on and we lay beside each other on the sofa, our feet poking out from under the blue blanket. We stayed there for a while, just two messed up kids, who had finally found some happiness within each other in this cloudy world.

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