Chapter 21 ~ Sky

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It was midweek and Emily and I had decided we should go to the gym so we could fit nicely into the cute new clothes we'd got for Ella's party on Friday. On the bus to town, Emily ranted on about how Janey Moore was obviously trying to pull Connor just because she saw that Emily was interested. Emily rants quite often now so even though I'm usually really open to listen to people's problems when they need to offload, I've become accustom to tuning out and adding the occasional sympathetic sound and shocked "omg, what is her problem?". Emily is still ranting by the time in tying my shoelaces on my pink and blue trainers.

"Honestly she is just so jealous since Harry Nichols chose to go to the Valentine's disco with me in Year 6. Like she just needs to give it up already. I mean c'mon, she clearly has some sort of agenda." She sneered. I quietly prayed that she and Connor would start dating just so she was off my back for a while. She only stopped when I was pushing the gym doors open. We decided to head to the treadmills, so we could do a bit of a gradual warm up and whatever. I put my headphones in to my ears and switched to this workout playlist app I found. I pulled my hair up in to a messy ponytail and set the pace on the treadmill. A gentle walk would suit me just fine for now. I scanned around the tiny gym. There weren't lots of people. When I looked to my left, I saw Dylan a few treadmills down. Yes, tall, lanky, skinny Dylan. His pace was impressive against mine, but then again that wouldn't be hard. Still, he'd obviously been working out because his arms were toned and muscular. Sweat beaded at his brow. I had to turn the pace of the treadmill down even more to I could properly ogle at him.

"Sky, are you even-" Emily started in a sharp tone.

"Oh. My. God." she blurted. Dylan heard this and his head swivelled. He saw me and shot me a smirk. I stumbled a little on the treadmill, though I was going at the speed of an old age pensioner.

"Lucky you is all I can say." Emily smiled at me slyly.

"Indeed." I said, absent minded.


I was searching around my back for a fifty p coin to get water from the vending machine when I felt too hands around my waist and suddenly I was picked up and whisked around. I laughed crazily, which was probably oh so attractive. I turned to face Dylan and tapped him on the nose.

"You scared me. Naughty." I mock scolded him. He pressed his lips to mine.

"I'm sorry. Did that persuade you to forgive me?" He replied.

"I think about ten more kisses and we're even." I joked.

"Do you need money?" Dylan asked.

"No, I just can't find my fifty p." I pouted. He handed me over a pound coin.

"I have that spare from the locker, you can have it."

Before I had a chance to say thanks, I checked his watch and said;

"Sky, I need to get going now. But tomorrow I'm picking you up at seven okay? Bring beach stuff." He winked at me and kissed me one last time. He jogged down the stairs and left me in a daydream.

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