Chapter 2 ~ Sky

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"Dad! I'm home!" I shouted, kicking off my shoes and chucking my rucksack on the floor.

"Good, I had something I wanted to talk to you about." he called from the kitchen.

"Uh, right..." I replied. My Mum died when I was five and my Dad had never really been around much, leaving me with a childminder, so I became pretty independent, and it was as if Dad was more of a housemate rather than a father. The last time he properly talked to me, we were moving because of his work.

I came into the kitchen and found him making a cup of tea in a blue and white striped mug.

"Sit down there a minute, Sky." he said and pointed towards one of the wooden chairs tucked into the table.

"So, Sky, I overheard some guys at work talking." I sighed and rest my head on my hand.

"Yeah?" I said, sounding bored.

"Mmm. They were talking about antisocial behaviour amongst local teens." my Dad was a housing officer, and one of the main things he dealt with was antisocial behaviour. Not that knowing that fact helped me to have any idea on what he was on about.

"And the boy next door's name came up. Something Smith, isn't it? Are you still seeing him?"

"Joe, Dad, his name is Joe. And yes, he is my boyfriend." I didn't feel embarrassed telling my Dad this, because like I said before, he wasn't really a dad at all. He clearly did though, because he gave his head a quick scratch. Nervous twitch.

"Oh, he is, okay. Well, anyway, he doesn't have a very good reputation round here. A, er, sort of bad boy, if you will. Did you know that." he mumbled. God, how cringe-worthy.

"Well he's not perfect, but who is? His heart's in the right place." I asked.

"Well, I, uh, he's not really the guy you want to be with, is he? I mean, I, well, you see, I would rather you keep your distance. Do you understand what I'm saying Sky?" He stuttered.

"As a matter fact, I do, but I don't understand why your saying it. You know, considering you haven't given a damn about me since my mother died!" "I yelled.

"What gives you the right to judge Joe when you didn't even know his name?!" I charged upstairs, frantically changed into a pair of leggings and a big hoodie, and stormed out the door. Jumped over the red brick wall into to next door's front garden. I practically punched the doorbell. It opened and I was looking up at Dylan.

"Hey, what's wrong? You look like you're going to cry?" He said, his expression concerned.

"Please, just walk with me" I said, dragging him out the door.

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