Chapter 3

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I can't take it anymore, it is to much. There is only  darkness in here. I don't remember why I am I again in the cold basement.

It is cold here, even in the summer. My parents put me here when they are done beating me.

The basement is the other kind of punishment they use on me. They put me in basement only when I have done something really bad. Because they know I'm really scared of darkness.

And putting me in the basement doesn't usually end with only one beating so I can expect them to come again soon.

I can feel myself starting to shiver because of the coldness in here. I tried to make myself as warm and as comfortable as I can.

But I can hear someone coming toward the basement. It's probably my father because my mother doesn't usually come down here. She says that I'm not worth her time.

He is almost here. The door slowly open to reveal my father.

He is in his forties, he has black hair, blue eyes and middle tanned skin. No muscles because of all that drugs he takes and a little beer belly from the alcohol.

"Hey you little bit*h I can see you have finally awaken. You only slept for ten hours. I guess I should of beaten you more. It can be easily fixed right now." he said slowly coming closer to me.

Only now I realised that he has a belt in his hand. I can see that there is dried blood on the belt. Probably from my last beating.

"I hope you will finally learn your lesson after this punishment." I can see the evil smirk on his face.

Over the years I learned not to resist his beating. Because if I do he will only make it worse for me.

And there is no use to talk anymore because he won't listen to anything I say. And if I beg him to stop he will only hit harded so there is no use. I try to stay as quite as possible and as still while he beats me.

While he is punishing me I usually think how my life would of been if I was born in a nice family who would of cared for me. How it would fell nice to go to school and have friends and to not be bullied the second I step on the schools ground. It would be so nice experience the normal people's life just for a day.

Soon I was pulled out of my daydream by my father hitting me on the back with a belt.

"Pay attention when I'm talking to you! You are nothing but a waste of space." he keeps saying as he hits me.

Usually I try not to cry in front of him but now I just couldn't help myself. I was sobing.

I should kill myself. But I never got enough courage to actually do it. I never did it because I'm a coward and because I hope that one day I will finally escape this hell and live a happy life.

Even though I cut myself almost every day I never got enough courage to actually took it over the edge and end my life.

I can't take it anymore hit after hit. It's too painfull. I just want to escape this to end this. But I can't.

"Wake up" I hear someone saying. But I don't know who is it. There is no one in this room except my father and me.

"Alex it's alright" another person said.

"Please wake up little one"

>>End of nightmare<<

I finally woke up. Thank God it was just a bad dream.

I can feel I'm in someone's arms. And that person is running his hand though my hair trying to calm me down.

It's so relaxing here between them.

"Shhh everything is okey little one. You don't have to worry about anything. It was just a bad dream it wasn't real. We are here to protect you." said Xander in my ear. It was so calming.

Then suddenly Xavier stud up from the bed and went out of the room leaving Xander and me still lying on the bed.

Because he left I suddenly felt sad and like something is missing.

"Don't worry little one he will be back soon and he will bring you something to eat." said Xander like he could feel my discomfort.

For five minutes I was just cuddling with Xander in the bed. I didn't dare to say something because I was still scared that they would hurt me even though I felt safe with them. Like I could trust them with my life. Like I knows them my whole and that we were ment to be together.

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