Chapter Six: A Harpist's message

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Chapter 6


Candice's POV

I listened to Angel's advice and ran straight. I didn't want to leave her. She was pretty much the first person who treated me gently in a long time after Raphael. I wanted to make sure I could meet her again. But now wasn't the time to think about reuniting.

"Wait a minute.. Since when did I just listen to someone like that?! Angel told me to meet someone.. Although, how could I just trust a stranger like her?!" I immediately stopped running, trying to catch my breathe and began to think. 

"I'm trusting someone I just met.. I-is this a bad thing?" I thought out loud.

No, I couldn't force myself to believe it was bad now! Not when I've run so far.. I had to continue this travel on foot. I had to reach the person Angel mentioned about, whether this was a bad choice or not! I mean, what else could happen next?

So far I was told that I had burnt down a village, I have 'magical powers' and that I was rescued and spoken to, by a fox. I sighed to myself and stopped in my tracks. It was really a eerie thought; the idea that I had burnt down a village. The village that I lived in. Where Raphael's orphanage laid... All the children that lived there... Were they alright..? I shook my head side to side. Thinking back into the past now was not something I should be doing. 

"Whatever happens next on this crazy journey of mine, I shouldn't be so unexpected of it... right?" I threw my fist close to my chest, realising the many very odd things I had encountered in such a small amount of time.

"You there..." 

A distant whisper echoed through the air. 

Okay, so maybe I might be a little wrong with what I just said.

"W-Who's there?!" I yelled out, trying to sound tough. 

The voice didn't reply. 

"Nice way to scare me?" I immediately took off again, feeling scared yet irritated.

I mean, who wouldn't feel annoyed if they were lost in the woods and a voice would just come up only to go away? Obviously someone who was really patient or a prankster. I cut myself out of thoughts and mind talk as I continued to walk my way through these grounds.

"Come forth dear child..."

I heard the voice softly brush it's words against a harmonic harp tone. The sound of the strings echoed their way through the woods and I was entranced by it. One shy step became large crunches of grass as I followed the sound. 

"H-Hello?" I asked, hoping for an answer this time.

"Come forth dear child..." The voice repeated.

I smiled, happy to know the voice actually kinda replied to me. This time, I ran. Continuing my pursuit with the melodic rhythm until I saw sunlight beaming through a small part of the woods. That was exactly where the music had led me.

I didn't hesitate to move towards this ray of light either. I walked past a few more trees until I could feel the warmth of the sun's rays hitting onto my skin. In front of me stood the large stump of an old tree and on top of it was a clothed figure. As they sat and strung the harp in their hand, I continued to stand like an owl, awaiting a word that was meant for me. 

♪ There is one miracle in this world.. Where none other will stand tall.. Can life really be about giving? When all folk are too sore?

Carry upon a knife.. and wield it with fear.. for that fear that you carry.. will bring you to tears..

The walls that bend inward.. will bring us most hope.. for a miserable future.. where you will meet the myope.. ♪ 

The person soon stopped playing and rose their hand from the harp.

"The questions that explore within your mind... All have deep meaning..."

That's when the person's head lifted. A young lady appeared behind the cloth, smiling. Was she the one I was suppose to meet? Is this who Angel was talking about?

"The confusion that mixes inside you will only grow stronger if you don't help yourself first..."

I looked at her confused. What did she mean?

"It may be too late by the time you realise and begin to seek for the real truth..."

I felt like an idiot for not understanding. 

"I-I'm sorry... I don't really know what you mean by that..." I whispered, shyly.

Everything became silent. 

Did I make things awkward?!

"Oh, dear child..." She smiled, pointing left from her stump.

"Follow this path.. it shall take you to.. the person you require..."

I only nodded and ran off. 

I suppose she wasn't the one I was meant to meet... 

"It was odd, bumping into her.." I spoke to myself as I continued this long journey. "I wonder who I'm going to end up meeting..." I sighed.

4:00 pm

Candice's P.O.V

"It's almost dark..." I wrapped my arms around me, trying to keep in the warmth. 

"It isn't easy to keep warm whilst wearing a skirt and all..." I hopelessly wondered through these never-ending pathways that were slowly looking more like sloppy lines. For now, I knew finding a place to stay before night fell was my first priority. 

That was, until I heard rustling.

I immediately looked around myself, frightened. One, for the fact that I hadn't heard loud rustling noises since that strange young lady and two, because things were starting to look all too weird for me to properly concentrate.

 "H-Hello?" I croaked, my dry throat sticking from one side to the other.

There's no answer.

"I-I know you're there! Y-You better come o-o-out from w-wherever y-you're hiding!" I tried to toughen my voice so that the stranger could hear me. Was it a wild animal? I grabbed a stick from around my surroundings and slowly held it up. 

"C-Come out!" I could feel the tears of fear quickly roll down my face, as I licked them off.

The rustling continued. Slowly, a silhouette was seen walking out from behind the trees, bushes and darkness. 

I tightened the grip of my 'weapon' as I pointed it towards the shadow.


A human looking figure had finally revealed itself. It appeared to be the same height as me, potentially slightly taller. Squinting my eyes, I tried to make out what exactly it was I was looking at. My eyes were incredibly tired and dry from the lengthy run and without running on food or water, I was beginning to feel like I could faint at any given moment.

That was until the moonlight shined over 'it', revealing the figure.


A white haired, purple eyed boy looked at me, shyly smiling, as he held onto the tree branch beside him. 


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