Chapter Two: Ten Years of Worthless

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Chapter 2

Ten years later...

It was during the middle of the night when I had heard a loud crash from the kitchen. I ran downstairs, panting from the sudden sound. "Is everything alright?!" I shouted as I ran into the room, sweating from the short distant sprint. I gazed around the room and realized what the noise was.

It was my 'little brother' Cyrus, who supposedly decided to sneak through the cupboard for a minnight snack. "You are such a trouble maker," I scolded at him as I carried the boy down from the shaken pantry and walked him back to his bedroom. It was dead silence as we walked through the halls.

I could feel Cyrus's cold stare towards me but I ignored it. I was always glared and frowned at since the day I arrived to this orphanage. It had been ten years since I was saved by a man who called himself 'Raphael'.

There were many things I had learnt about him since my stay.

This place was his home and the people here were his 'family'. Picking up others like myself and giving them a new life here. I owed a lot to that man. He was my savior and my very first friend, well, I thought he was. Until this day, I still don't know the reason why I was left out in the snow by myself only to die by the silent cold.

My memories were never brought back to me. I vaguely remember asking Raphael what had happened to my memory, but, he didn't know either. Although, what he did know and understand was that he definitely did not want to leave a child to freeze to death.

He really was a hero to many of us kids in this orphanage. It had been roughly ten years since his disappearance. After leaving me at this shelter, he left without a trace. That was probably the reason why I was bullied here.

Everyone blamed me for his disappearance. Even the staff. "There you go, now go back to sleep before Sam catches you," I told Cyrus as I slowly closed his bedroom door. "You can't tell me what to do, cursed creature!" He poked his tongue at me before slamming the door straight at my face, before I could close it properly, myself.

I stood still for a short while, eyes wide, before putting my head down and erasing the water that dribbled within my eyes. Even though I was often bullied by everyone here, either by being hurled stones at, which the kids at my age had done, being given less food by the nurses or losing most of my things like accessories and pens by the younger, being called a cursed being had always seem to hit me the hardest.

"If only you didn't leave so soon..." I mumbled to myself while walking back to my room, which was located in one of the rooms upstairs. "If you were still here, I could have at least lived better than this... I would have gotten to know you better."

I entered my room and gently closed the door so it wouldn't disturb anyone else. I opened the top sheet of my bed and laid down to release all the thoughts within my mind. "I wonder when you'll return..." I thought out loud turning from one side to another and soon, my eyelids couldn't hold themselves anymore. They slowly closed and everything became pitch black.


I haven't thanked you yet [UNDER CONSTRUCTION]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang