Chapter Eight: First, a Friend

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Chapter 8


About 1200 meters within the hole laid a small shelter base which Dante calls 'home'. There was complete silence. Besides Candice's scream, which could have been heard from miles away.

Danté's POV

Candice. The girl I had found in the Harpist's End. 

Was she the one Kai was talking about? If this girl really was the key to Ignyah, the flaming town of the Phoenix, then.. her life will surely-

"DAAAAANTÉ!" Candice screamed. 

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at her even though it was still very dark. 

"We're almost there."


At last, a wide portal of light glowed under us. We had arrived. 

I turned to Candice, her brown eyes were shining as her little fearful tears flew off her face. Then, she turned to look at me. I immediately looked straight downward again. There was clearly a bright tint of pink aroused on my cheeks.


"Oww..." Candice winced, laying on her back. 

"Darn it," I stood up dusting myself, somewhat embarrassed. I was suppose to pull the lever for a platform but I suppose.. I was.. Erhm, distracted.

It was completely silent and the lights that were once around had suddenly disappeared. I could hear Candice standing up until the lights switched back on, with all weapons pointed directly at the two of us.

We were surrounded by 5 figures. 

"You're late, Danté." My sister withdrew her sword, looking at Candice, who looked frightened. 

"Candice," I begun, "These people are alright. They're my friends." 

I took out a hand for her to hold, which she held to assist her with getting back up on her own two feet.

"This here," I pointed at the youngest, "Is Isabel (12)." Going in an order from youngest to oldest, I continued. 

"Miriam (13), Zain (13), Rainé (17) and Kai (19)." 

She looked confused and still seemed a little frightened.

"U-Uh, w-would you like something to eat?" I asked her, to give in a little more comfort to the innocent looking girl. 

She shook her head and smiled gently at me whispering, "I-I'm not hungry." But her stomach told me a different answer. 

Laughing, I told her to sit down as I went to go get her something to munch on.

Candice's POV

Danté walked away as I took the seat he had told me to settle in. 

I, then, sighed, cursing my stomach for rumbling at the time as I observed the place. 

"Candice huh?" 

I looked to see the oldest of the group, Kai, looking at me. I nodded. He looked the scariest of the bunch. 

He walked up to me, then smiled, "Welcome to the group." And with that, he left the main room.

I sighed in relief, a slight smile rose to my face. I suppose he wasn't as bad as I thought.


I looked at the girl, Rainé. 

"Always the same crap that ends up here." She was a tall girl, whose face did slightly resemble that of Dante's.

"You better be the key, for I really have no time to deal with a pathetic bag of skin and bones." 

I stuttered. 

"Sis, stop it." 

Danté stood, staring at her.

My eyes widened, They're siblings? Even though there was the resemblance, it still surprised me that I guessed correctly.

She rolled her eyes, with arms crossed in front of her large chest. 

"Fine. But whatever happens to her isn't my fault." And with that, Rainé left. 

Danté walked towards me, handing me a plate of food. An array of bread sizes, meat and what looked like vegetables were presented in front of me.

"I'm sorry about her," he told me, scratching his head. 

"It's alright..." I mumbled, "I've always been h-hated." 

I looked down, biting into one of the bread pieces presented in front of me. I tried holding back the tears, but they just fell onto the plate, like some salt to season the food.

"Dan," a male voice called him. Wiping the tear off my face, I looked up to see Zain. 

"We have to leave tomorrow, early in the morning, so Kai suggested you get some sleep. As well as the girl." 

Danté nodded, "Thanks."

"W-Where are we going?" I asked only to see Danté's fist clench. 

"S-Somewhere.. Very important." 

I kept my eyes on him, "Am I allowed to know?" 

He looked at me, faking the next smile. I had seen enough smiles to be able to tell whether it was fake or not. 

"I'll tell you tomorrow but for now, it's best we get some rest."

I nodded slowly, finishing my meal. Danté took my plate and handed me a blanket. I only assumed that I was going to sleep on the floor, but that didn't bother me as much as where we were heading the next morning. It hadn't even been a whole day since I met all these people and they had already stared calling me a 'key' and telling me I was a part of their group? It was all too suspicious.


It was now very late and I still couldn't sleep. That's when I heard soft footsteps. I looked up and turned my head to see Danté tiptoeing towards me, holding a candlelight in one hand and a book in the other.

"D-Danté?" I whispered. 

He sat next to me, handing me the thick book in his hand.

"You're going to need this, Candice." He whispered. 

I looked at the book, smoothing my hand on its hard cover before slowly opening the book cover. Danté immediately placed his hand above mine to push it down,

"But don't read it!"

We heard a moan in the background and looked towards the direction for a few seconds before looking back at each other.

"This book will help you. Just promise me you won't open it yet. Not until the right time is here."

He stood up, slowly walking back. 

"Right... Time? What right time?" But he was already out of sight.

I laid back down, staring at the front cover of this leather skinned book.

"I wonder what he means by right time."


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