My choice...?

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"D-Danté?" I whispered. He sat next to me, handing me the thick book in his hand, "You're going to need this, Candice." He whispered. I looked at the book, smoothing my hand on its cover before slowly opening the book cover. Danté immediately placed his hand above mine to push it down, "But don't read it!"

We heard a moan in the background. "This book will help you. Just promise me you won't open it yet. Not until the right time is there." He stood up, slowly walking back. "Right... Time? What right time?" But he was already out of sight.

I laid back down, staring at the front cover of this leather skinned book.

"I wonder what he means by right time."

Chapter 9

Candice's POV

The sound of footsteps and chatter were quite harsh, causing me to awaken. I sat up, stretched and rubbed my eyes, looking around. There was a light pain in my back but I had decided to ignore it.

"Hey. You're finally awake!" A cheerful voice spoke. "D-Danté...!" I smiled but of course, being me, I turned immediately red. I was never one to smile in front of others, especially if they had just greeted me. And especially if they were strangers.

"We need to get moving soon. So I suggest you come eat with us." Danté told me, helping me up. "Uhm, y-yesterday you told me you'd tell me where we were going.. Could I know..?" I asked him. I actually didn't really want to eat with the bunch of them. Clearly not many of them took a liking to me and this was definitely a sign that I should leave. I had a pretty decent reason for why I could leave if any of them did stop me.

I mean, they picked up a stranger that even they didn't know of! And I didn't come here on my own free will... Did I? Although, there was one reason that had told me to stay. And that was when Danté's sister said I was.. Something important. Me being important? There was no chance. But I still had to find out what it was she was talking about. Why I'm here. Why anything happened really..

"Hm," Danté tapped his chin, he seemed to be thinking of a respond to give to me, "Well, I'll let Kai explain it to you."

I just nodded and followed Danté shyly into a different room, where most of the noise came from. There were rag like materials covering the big hole in the wall, one side was pinned up with I don't know what whilst the other was left dangling down. I assumed this hole here was the way to the kitchen.

As I stepped in, all eyes were staring at me. I immediately held my left arm and looked down, walking pass them all. It was the kitchen alright. Cutlery was all around the walls, a cooking table, I'm guessing, was messy and filled with dirty pans. There was a sink here too, which I thought was slightly odd. A sink? Underground? It made me think.

"Sit here," Danté told me, opening the seat for me. I gave him a quick smile before taking a seat, trying my best to be as quiet as possible. In front of me, was a plate of food. Not the most pleasant kind of looking food but hey, I wasn't going to complain about it. It looked much better than the orphanages food.

I, then, began to nibble at it. The whole room became quiet, sounds of others eating was heard. It's pretty scary eating in front of others. Strangers at most. I could just imagine all their eyes staring at me. They could have been thinking about anything. Maybe I was eating in a weird fashion.. Or I could have been eating something on the plate I was suppose to eat last! Anything was possible. And I was scared of the possibilities.

"Sooooo, Candice is it?" Kai, the oldest of the group, spoke to me. Again, my reaction to him was just a nod. He chuckled softly, smiling. "You don't talk much do you? That's fine and all, but hey! We're all family here. You got any problems you can talk to us 'bout it!"

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