chapter 6.

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i hope with every bone in my body
that it'll be us in the end.


If Harry had said that he hadn't been trembling with fear as he ran along the blacked out road only to throw himself into his father's office, he would have been lying.

The poor boy has definitely watched way too many horror films for his liking. It was completely dark out and the old drive-in with broken windows wasn't much help. Being there alone was enough to give him goosebumps. He really needed to hurry up and turn on the lights.

Why weren't the lights on?

Harry stopped just outside the gate of the parking lot, his head cocking from instinct. He began to wonder why he had just used his keys to unlock the gate that should have already been opened.

Harry walked over to his station at concessions as he pulled his sleeve back to reveal his old wristwatch. 05:28.

Harry frowned, growing concerned as he pulled his keys out once more to open up the shop. Reaching for the switch, he lit up the back storage, hoping that his fellow coworker would be there hidden. The small piece of paper still lying on the licorice confirmed that she, in fact, was not there.

Harry's nerves began to get the best of him again. He hated being alone. The dark terrified him and his coworker not being here to accompany him almost made his eyes tear up. If anyone were to see Harry's current state they would definitely refer to him as a child for still being afraid of the dark.

There was complete silence; only Harry's quiet sniffling was heard as he slowly shuffled over to the wall phone just outside the storage room. The floor boards creaked beneath his feet with every step he took. He felts his palms begin to sweat as he stopped between each breath to assure he was alone.

Just as he was walking up, already reaching for the phone, he came to a stop. He wasn't quite sure why, or how, but he believed he heard voices. Harry squeezed his eyes shut, he had surely lost it and now knew this was the end.

Oh, but how he wished it would have been.

The next sounds he heard were no longer muffled voices but now soft moaning. His eyes immediately snapped opened when a soft groan followed and then Harry was pressing his ear up against the wooden door hoping to hear more.

His heart once again started up, rate rising, as he moved over to the window just above the metal sinks. He hesitated before hauling himself up onto them, dipping his feet into the actual sink before crouching his not-so-small body into it. He placed both his hands against the window panel as he leaned forward to finally get a look of what was behind the door.

Only Harry wished he hadn't.

He wished he could have gone back and walked the other direction so that whatever lied within the dark could have came and swooped him away.

Harry prayed that his eyes deceived him. That the breaking of his heart was only from how fast it had been beating. That the tears now sliding down his cheeks were only an illusion.

Harry spotted Louis' feathery brown hair in an instant. He now recognized the groans as the older boy's and could see he wasn't alone but rather with a blonde girl who he had pinned up against the wall just outside the door. But not just any girl. Harry's coworker.

He needed to look away. His heart ached for him to, begged him to tear his eyes off of Louis' hands that ran up and down the girl's hips. But he couldn't. Instead Harry watched with tear stained cheeks as Louis' lips moved against hers. He felt his heart shattering into smaller and smaller pieces as he watched his everything becoming someone else's.

He hadn't realized he was now fully sobbing as he crawled down the sink as quietly as he could. His vision became blurry from his own tears as he walked out the room and deep into the dark. He didn't even bother stopping at his car for he no longer cared for the night.

He wanted the darkness to consume him, to take him away and end the aching pain he felt deep in his chest. Harry ran and ran until he reached the middle of the fields where he let himself drop. He sunk onto the dirt road and wrapped his hands around himself as he let himself crumble and the tears continue to fall.

What did Harry expect though, he thought. Who was he to think he could ever compare to a beautiful blonde girl. Her beautiful brown eyes that reminded him of honey. Her skinny, petite figure that allowed Louis to easily pick her up. Her expensive clothing that only made her look even more stunning. Her. A girl.

"Pathetic," Harry croaked out quietly through his sobbing. He couldn't even hold a conversation with Louis. They weren't dating. It was simply a pathetic little crush. Louis was never his.

Louis had the right to be with whoever he pleased. He's single, he can do whatever and whoever he wants. He owes nothing to you, Harry told himself. He's not yours.

And with that, Harry wiped his tears.

He sat up and stared into the night as his tears dried out and his breathing returned to normal.

After settling down, Harry finally stood up and began to walk back towards the drive-in. He could see the lights now turned on from where he was letting him know Louis was now surely gone.

"Hi Harry," Rue chirped cheerfully as Harry made his appearance. Harry could see her face beaming, they were each other's favorite person and they practically showed it with each greeting.

"Hi sunshine," Harry said softly, smiling lightly only for it to slowly disappear.

Rue's smile fell as well though she said nothing. Only examined Harry's face, searching for any sign to let her know what was wrong. After not finding anything that gave away the reasoning behind his state she stood and walked over to stand in front of him. She said nothing, only took Harry into her arms and hugged him, letting him bury his face into her shoulders.

Together they stood there, holding one another. Although nothing was said, Harry could feel the love coming from his friend comforting him.

"Harry you are so much more than you think you are," Rue whispered to him. "I can't wait for the day when someone else comes along and sees you the way I see you."


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