chapter 20.

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to the stars who listen
and dreams that are answered


Harry's voice was muffled, sounding far away. He couldn't recognize his surroundings as he stumbled across the dirt in search of the others. Laughter echoed followed by the screams from the carnival rides. He could only pick up bits of conversations here and there but none seemed to be coming from the voices of his friends.

He looked up only to be blinded by bright flashes in his face. His eyes shut immediately only to be reopened to a blurry vision. He felt his chest tighten as a swarm of people began to surround him - all screaming his name. How did they know who he was? Where was Rue? Louis? He tried to look over them in search of Luke but he couldn't recognize anyone.

Their cameras kept flashing at him as others politely asked for a picture with him or for a signature as they pushed their personal belongings into his face.

He tried to make his way through the crowd, wanting to get out, but he was suffocating. Finally somebody grabbed ahold of his arm and pulled him out. It was a larger man, rather buff, whose shirt read security. "Harry please stay with us, it's easier if you boys are all together."

He walked behind him, shielding him from the people who so desperately wanted to speak with him. They all followed around the two of them but the larger man kept his hand out to the crowd, keeping them back and helping Harry breathe.

"There he is," someone called out. Rue? But no, this was very much a boy. Olive-toned skin, deep brown eyes, dark black hair, and a very petite physique similar to Louis' only taller. His similarity to Rue had slightly calmed him but sadly, it was not his dear friend.

He was pushed closer to the boy who had similar men surrounding him like the one with Harry.

"Harry, we were worried sick." He said to him. His accent was strong but he couldn't put his finger on it. Why did he recognize it?

Harry couldn't speak. He was so confused, so scared, who were these people? How did they know him?

"Let's regroup." The man behind them said and the boy nodded. Together they all walked off as the crowd followed, getting bigger and bigger.

"The lads and I were waiting by the ferris wheel."


Then he saw three other boys all similar to his age standing to the side with security as well. His breath hitched as his eyes finally found Louis. He sped up, trying to get to him quickly but was stopped by a blonde who now stood in front of him.

"Harry, finally." He heard him say. His accent was different from his own and the boy from before. His hair matched Luke's but unlike him, his face was clean and shaven - no stubble. No little blemishes, no lip ring; just a baby faced boy with eyes as bright as the sky.

"Niall, which one did everyone decide on?"

Harry looked at Louis, he wanted to call out to him but couldn't. Why couldn't he speak? He kept staring, trying so desperately to catch his eye but Louis wouldn't look at him.

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