chapter 5.

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falling asleep to your heartbeat
waking up to your ghost.


Harry was going to do it. This time, he knew for a fact, he was going to do it. No more hiding, no more games. His timidness was gaining him nothing.

"Exactly, Harry." Rue encouraged as she sat perched up on the stool, munching away on whatever sweet she had found. Harry would complain, telling her to kindly get her bum off his stool, but right now, he had something else on his mind.

"You just march right over there," she went on, her cigarette sitting right between her teeth, giving her a slight lisp. "And tell that little boy that you're getting married and there's nothing he can do about it."

"Yes, married. Nothing he can do about it." Harry repeated, more to himself, as he continued to reassure himself. He had been pacing back and forth, allowing Rue to give him hope, all morning.

Their evening had gone by pretty slow and pretty smoothly. They had the sun to thank for that. No one wanted to come out and sit in the scorching heat. So while only attending a handful of people, Harry and Rue planned.

"Okay that's him right there, go say exactly what I told you."

"Where? I don't see him."

"Harry," Rue sang, jumping up and moving to stand right beside him. "Right there, against the wall." She said, lifting her finger to point him out.

"No, don't see him." Harry mumbled as he stared right at a certain blue-eyed boy.

He was leaned back, knee bent, with foot propped up against the wall as his other remained flat on the floor. The first thing Harry noticed were the light wash denim he was wearing; no black skinnies. They were paired with a beautiful black leather jacket that clung to his body perfectly, and a black tucked-in tee instead of white.

Harry gulped.

"Harry, how the fuck do you not- he's right there," Rue groaned, frustrated, as she grabbed Harry's face with both her hands and turned his head in the direction his eyes were already in.

"Mm. Guess he's already gone, okay cool, so," Harry said, whipping around only to crash straight into Rue who was standing behind him.


Harry sighed. "Fine, send me to my death. I hope you feel guilty when you watch me die."

"Oh whatever, throw a lamp across my room when you do if you want."

Harry turned around, readying himself to walk over, when he saw that Louis had disappeared and was no longer by the wall.

"Well, the universe has spoken-"

"Louis!" Rue exclaimed, cutting Harry off and looking past him.

He spun back around to see the smaller boy about to walk past them, not too far ahead of him. He was looking down at a small packet he had been holding in his hands before his head lifted up at the mention of his name. His eyes landed on Rue before they moved to look over at Harry.

Harry felt as if Rue were right behind him, shoving him forward, pestering him to say something even from inside the booth. "H-Hi Louis," Harry quickly stuttered out.

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