Ch. 6 - Ferrets Live in Wyoming, Right?

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A/N: Hey! So I wanted to let you all know I adjusted something earlier in the story. The tour manager in this story is Miles, who was in the initial interview and part of the loading up chapter. I hope this eliminates any confusion going forward.😊

In the morning the bus was parked in Cheyenne.

Grey wasn't sure how early Ryan and Dallon got up, but to appease the homework gods, the youngest band "member" sat down at the table in the fairly dark bus as began to write up notes for an upcoming class.

Peaking out one of the windows, Grey saw that they had parked in a Walmart parking lot. Hey, save a few bucks where you can.

Tour starts today.
Grey set the homework aside for a minute. The thought was a bit surreal. Grey considered going back to sleep, it was 6am, but the day's itinerary was randomly shuffled in with other papers.

Grey put the list back into pile, but not before stacking the messy pile neatly into the corner.
The sound of curtain rings sliding against the metal pole from the back of the bus broke the silence. Looking into the bunk area, a tall shadowy figure slid out of the top bunk and walked into the bathroom. Dallon.

He didn't notice the two wide eyes staring at him from the front of the bus, and that was perfectly fine with Grey.

Now heres a decision. Should Grey,
A. Stay in place
B. Sneak back into the bunk to avoid awkward morning conversations
C. Run out of the bus and become a Wyoming Ferret farmer.

As tempting as option C sounded, the student chose to stay and hold ground.
Dallon come back round sleepily looking at the floor. He walks nearly the entire length of the bus. The awkwardness of the situation builds. in Grey's mind. Dallon stops at the table Grey is at, the only table on the bus.

Grey slowly looks up, meeting Dallon's eyes behind the shaggy hair invading his face.

"H-hi," Grey squeaks.

"School already?" He asks while rubbing his eyes, his voice is not above a hoarse whisper.

Grey simply nods.
"Good for you, kid," Dallon pats Grey's shoulder before retreating into the back of the bus again, beyond Grey's sight.

By 8:30 the entire bus was awake. Though the entire bus currently only consists of the driver, Dallon, Ryan and Grey, a situation that would soon change.

Around 3 o'clock the brigade headed to the the venue.

The opening band, Dayglow, had just arrived. (pictured at the top) The band had a total of five members, meaning three would be on the bus with iDKHOW and two would bunk somewhere else. While the guys in that band were settling into the buses, Grey stepped out to call Casey.

"Hey Rockstar, what's up?"

Grey chuckled, "Not much, just slowly, no, more like quickly losing my mind."


"A bit, but not really, I don't know how to explain it."

"You're just getting jittery in anticipation?" Casey prompted.

"T-that's probably it."

"Well, you're prepared right?"

Grey nods, forgetting Casey has no visual reference, "Yeah."

Cassette Tapes and Tour Dates - An iDKHOW StoryWhere stories live. Discover now