Chapter 8

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The pain that Jin felt ripped at his insides the more he stared down at the two forms gripping tightly onto each other as blood pooled around them.

This was it. Only two remained.

"What the fuck did you do?!" His piecing cry cut through Jin's thoughts. Being yanked to his feet, his eyes met Hoseok's burning glare.

"How could you let this happen?!" Jin's anger only boiled from Hoseok's words.

"Me?" Jin spat out, "I didn't ask them to kill themselves! Besides you left us, you fucking coward!" Jin shoved Hoseok back, hard, making him stumbled back.

"Get off your high fucking horse and see the shit that's happening around you!" Jin was seething at this point that the cry of the ambulance was blocked out from this mind. "We've lost everyone and all you can do is point fingers! Stop actually like a fucking child!"

Hoseok's face was hard set as he shoved Jin back, his mind pained from a memory, "I wasn't the domino that started this whole shit show!"

Jin had enough of Hoseok. He had enough of his shitty one sided thought process. He loved Hoseok, but the Hoseok he knew was burred in pain and suffering.

"I wasn't the one who murdered my own friend!" Jin regretted saying that. He regretted shoving Hoseok back as the irony of his painful words weighed down on him but his anger had taken hold of his rational thinking.

Hoseok stumbled back into the streets. The last look of pure guilt and hatred towards himself was carved into his face before the ambulance hit him at full speed.

That was it. Only Jin remained. He had nothing and no one left.

The world around him fell silent around him.

"If you could turn back time, would you be able to save the ones you love?"

'Please' he didn't care where the voice came from or who it came from. All he cared about was the thought of bringing everyone back.

'Please let me save them, they deserve to live full and happy lives'

A chuckle responded to his plea. "This is the burden you must carry now, save them or be forever stuck is sorrow. Do you accept?"

"I do" when those words left his lips, he felt the world fall around him.

His whole body jerked forward in shock of the new environment around him.

A car. He was in a car.

He screamed feeling something touch him on the shoulder only to be met with an annoyed proclamation of "shut it!" Turning his head he was met with a sight so shocking he wanted to cry.

Courtney scowled at him, "the fuck you screaming for, you were literally laughing a second ago!"

Jin ignored her words and pulled her into a bear hug.

"Wow. WOW. Okay, chillax, we are not that close." Courtney's protested as she shoved Jin off her. "Can we just go back to the boys now, you know, before the gang finds us and kills us." She ironically joked.


"Excuse me?" Courtney frowned at his words.

"We have to stop this before the first domino falls."

Courtney lets out a forced laugh, "listen sunshine, you can speak in riddles all you want after we get home, alright"

Jin exited the door much to Courtney distress. "Okay , listen to me, if we leave now you can see your family again!" She tried her hardest to persuade Jin back into the car to no avail. "Get back in the fucking car before I drag you back in" she sneered through her teeth.

"I have to kill jack first" Courtney's body went stiff.

"How the hell do you know about jack?"

"I know enough, to know that his death will save everything from falling apart."

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