i wonder if my wife suspects me

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I should wait until she is well and truly asleep but tonight I just can't wait. At dinner I slip some crushed up sleeping tablets into her soup, hoping she won't notice. It seems to work. As we sit on the couch watching some talent show garbage I see her struggle to stay awake.

First her phone drops to her side. She reaches to pick it up but instead the momentum of her body causes her to crash into the couch and into what I hope will be a deep sleep.

I carry her to bed. As I lay her head on the pillow I give her a small kiss. "I love you." She says to me in a mumble. I gasp before she turns and continues her slumber.

With my wife out of the picture I'm free to finish my deed. I enter the cellar to find the boy where I left him. Lashed to the operating table. Bloodstains from precious victims pooled and dried around him. His mouth gagged.

I lean in close. His fear palpable. "Stay quiet and I promise this will be over soon." I tell the boy. I don't even know his name.

I take a razor and use it to make a small gash in his arm. Before he can scream I put my finger to my lips and remind him of my promise. I then unbuckle his cut arm releasing the wounded limb, making sure to get as much of his blood in the table and leather shackle as possible.

I then undo his other restraints. First his other hand then I point for him to release his feet. Once he is completely free I use hand gestures to instruct him to redo his first-hand restraint as to make it look like he somehow was able to wriggle out of it at great cost.

I sneak him through the yard and into my car. I have a medical kit and change of clothes for him that I bought from a thrift store. I try to get his name but there is a language barrier that neither of us seems too bothered with. I drop the bow off at a police station a few towns over. I doubt he would go in but I figure I would give him a chance. Illegals tend not to trust the police.

I return home and go to bed. It's just after four and I have to be up for work at seven. My wife is still sleeping soundly. She will most likely wake with me and once I've gone to work she will discover her latest victim has escaped. I pray he will be the last.

I don't know how many victims there have been but I know that because of me two of them have escaped.

I don't know why she does it. I just know I can't bear to see her kill another child.

It is a routine day at work. I return to see her car in the driveway. I wonder if my wife suspects me or that another one slipped through her grasp.

Please God let this one be the last.

-Andrew MJ Smith

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