our mailwoman is a nice lady

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very long


"Remember Sidney, our mailwoman is a nice lady. Say hello if you see her." I could still hear my mom's voice like it was yesterday. I was almost five years old and not yet in school. Dad was away at work and Mom had just received an emergency phone call from the hospital, where she worked nights. Ruth, my babysitter was on her way over so Mom was taking a quick shower.

She had left the TV on, but my attention was on mostly on coloring dinosaurs. Suddenly, a movement behind the thin white curtain caught my attention. I walked over to the window and saw the mailwoman unlatching the door to our backyard. Across the street, Mr. Sanders was watering his flowers while gazing into our yard.

My five-year old brain didn't know it at the time, but the mailwoman was not a typical female. She was more a model than a mailwoman- her form-fitting uniform emphasized her perfect feminine curves. Men on our street made sure they were outside doing various chores when she showed up with their mail.

Our house was more secluded than our neighbours' houses, as it was at the very end of the block. Our large backyard had a high fence and thick trees which served as a guard from peering eyes. That had most certainly been what had drawn the mailwoman to our backyard, over all others.

I watched her cautiously glance over her shoulder as she stepped through the gate and carefully closed it behind her. She was quite uncomfortable, wriggling visibly as she hurriedly made her way along the side of the house. As she turned the corner into the backyard, I remembered my manners and ran to the back porch- Mom had told me to say hi!

I was about to open the screen door, but the sight through the clear glass stopped me. She had pulled down her shorts and was now squatting on the grass, her back to me. I could just make out a pee stream flowing into the recently-mowed grass and her naked butt straining to maintain balance in the squatting position. It was the first time I had seen a girl or woman pee and I had no idea they could go for so long! This must have been a real emergency, because she wasn't slowing down at all!

The sound of Mom turning off the shower awakened me. I still hadn't greeted the mailwoman! I pushed open the door and stepped outside. She heard the door opening and looked over her shoulder in a panic- the sudden movement made her lose her balance and topple over with her pants still around her ankles. As I finished saying "Hi Miss", I looked on in awe at her stream now clearly shooting into air. Her pee was... blue. Not just blue, it was a beautiful ocean blue! It was stunning, even beyond what I had seen at the beach. I couldn't believe my eyes!

Blushing, she managed to stop peeing and quickly pulled up her shorts. I was terrified at what I had seen but I couldn't move as she walked towards me with a sweet smile. "Hello, little boy", her full lips spoke purposefully. "What did you see today?"

"Y-y-you peed over there." I managed to stammer, pointing behind her. Her smile turned into a full grin- even her pearly white teeth were perfect. "That's right- when a girl's gotta go, she's... well, you will learn all about that when you're just a wee bit older."

She removed a glove and reached down to ruffle my already messy hair. "C'mon give your auntie a hug and promise her to keep all this a secret." She bent over to pull me in to her breasts. "Do you promise, Sidney?"

I was surprised that she knew my name but realized that she must have asked my parents at some point. I felt more comfortable with her now- she seemed nice. I had probably imagined the blue pee. I smiled and nodded as she broke off the hug.

"OK, you be a good boy now. Remember, this is our little secret." She brought her finger to her lips and whispered "shhh", before ruffling my hair one last time and walking away. I ran inside, just as Mom was opening the front door to let Ruth in.

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