happy holidays

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When I was 6 I started to have nightmares, this was surprising because I had nothing I was scared of. One Saturday morning I remember waking up and going down the hall to the restroom, that's when I realized it was still night out, I did my business and walked back to my room when I got back in bed I looked at my window and saw a black glove. I woke up from my nightmare crying and that was the last of it, or so I thought. About 3 year's passed and it was Christmas Eve I remember going to sleep early because I was looking forward for a whole day to have fun when I was in my deep sleep I was dreaming of opening presents with my family I reached in my present and remember feeling like I was stabbed, when I looked down it was the glove but this time there was sharp claws and a black face with a insane smile and wide eyes, when I woke up I had slashes through my body, but the thing I'll never get over is seeing the crazed man in a santa outfit.

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