Ch 4. Heart Attack

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"I knew I can count on you, Light." Sayu said cheerfully as Light helped with her homework. I grinned at my little sister's enthusiasm. she was defiantly a sunray in the otherwise plain and boring family. I had preplanned this month's revivals so I could get some lazy time. All of them were from the hundreds of requests I got each week. It seemed that I got a pretty large fanbase. I turned back to the conversation in time to catch Lights reply.

"Hey, so do you think you're ready to try a few on your own now?" Light asked smiling slightly. I narrowed my eyes at him wondering if the emotion was faked, but couldn't find any sign he was lying.' though that doesn't say much.' I thought bitterly.

"Huh? Yeah. I guess so. Oh, sounds like Dad's home." Sayu said happily running up to hug dad. I smiled at my weird innocent little sister.

"Welcome home, dear." Mom said smiling. I glanced at dad noticing how tired he was. I frowned a look of worry flashed across my face.

"Thank you." dad said softly as he plopped into a seat.

"He's home really early today." Sayu said a slightly worried look on her face.' Ah, I wasn't the only one to notice.' I thought a smile on my face.

"Hey, why don't you at least try the last problem by yourself?" Light suggested no emotion present on his face. I scowled at my supposed big brother.

"I will, but maybe after dinner." Sayu said looking at the homework as if it had turned into a pack of rabid care bears.

"Yeah, right." Light said doubtfully. I snorted.' not blaming you there buddy.' I thought in amusement.


"So, Light, Tsuki tell me how are both your studies going?" dad asked curiously.

"Hm? Everything is okay, I guess." Light said shrugging. I stuck my tongue out at him earning an eye roll from Light, a glare from dad, and a giggle from Sayu.

"Yeah, same goes for me." I said happily. I kept glancing at the place I knew Ryuk was. thankfully Light was focused on dad.

"Whatever. Tsuki is at the top of her entire school and Light is top of his class. My big sister and brother are geniuses." Sayu gushed smiling. I blushed a bit. I didn't get any compliments in my previous life. Suddenly one of my hearts ceased to beat. Gasping for air and clutching my chest.

Dad, mom, Sayu, and even Light were looking at me in horror. My vision was getting cloudy I tried to get up but just fell to the ground my second heart was straining to keep up in the first absence but was growing weaker. I barely registered my family trying to talk to me but I couldn't make out anything they said. Black dots flooded my vision at the lack of oxygen to my brain. The last thing I saw before blacking out was Light seemingly glaring at the air.


Soichiro Yagami was sitting in a waiting room of the hospital with his family when a nurse walked out. Soichiro jumped up out of his seat a look of worry on his face. Light, Sayu, and Sachiko looked up from their crying and comforting of each other.

"How is she! Hows my daughter!" Soichiro demanded. The nurse looked at Soichiro with tired eyes.

"Ms. Yagami is in stable condition and is expected o make a full recovery." The nurse started. The family let out a sigh of relief.

"However, there is something you should know." the nurse continued. The family tensed again. Soichiro closed his eyes for a minute.

"What is it?" Soichiro asked hesitantly. His eyes searching the nurses for a sign that Tsuki would be ok.

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