Chapter 21: Piper

Start from the beginning

Itami: How are the preps doin?

Grey: Fine, they're still alive anyway.

Itami: Wait, don't I recognize you guys?

Y/N: It's the god damn porters!

The porters sit there tied up sniffling and groveling. I walk up to them, squat down, draw my K-Bar and point it at them with an evil smirk on my face.

 I walk up to them, squat down, draw my K-Bar and point it at them with an evil smirk on my face

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Y/N: So...who's ready to talk first?

The look of absolute fear appears on their faces. Later we dragged the three into a storage room and brought in the inn keeper the red skinned humanoid named Harmar.

Yellow Porter: We were tricked into doing this I swear!

Harmar: Then tell us about it.

Red Porter: We met someone at the bar who told us about these guys! They're not really who they say they are!

Green Porter: That they are really monstrous murderers, out to take the lives of any merchants staying at the hotel!

Yellow Porter: And we were told that they're felons wanted by the police! Especially that one, *looks at Y/N* he's a blood thirsty barbarian!

Everyone looks at me and I look around.

Y/N: Who me?

Green Porter: He's indiscriminately kills scores of men, women, and children! He has to be stopped!


Itami: You're not gonna refute that?!

Y/N: Well...I mean....They're partially right. I have killed a lot of men.

Harmar: You just believed whatever they told you?

Green Porter: We saw the warrant ourselves, and we were given part of the gold bounty placed upon their head!

Harmar: Oh and just like sneak into their room and try to kill them?

Yellow Porter: But we didn't actually do anything!

Green Porter: We got caught and everything's fine, no one died right?

The porters start crying and I get pissed

Y/N: "Everything's fine?!" You sneak into our room with the intent of murdering us in our sleep! AND YOU SAY, EVERYTHING'S FINE!!

I pull the charging handle on my rifle and try to point it at the porters. Itami, Tuka, and Yao hold me back. And the porters begin shaking in fear.


Porters: WE'RE VERY SORRY!!!

Itami: L/N will calm the hell down?!

I struggle for few seconds and calm down and sit on one of the crates.

Semper Fi Jieitai: GATE x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now