"This is our last year in Forks." she said. I nodded grabbing her hand. "I know Bella, but the years not over and we have plenty of time here with our family and friends." I told her. She nodded slowly. "But what about college?" she asked looking at me. I smiled, "We can apply to whatever college we like and go in the fall, Emmett and Rose have already taken time off to make their decisions." I said.

She nodded again. I smiled,"We good now?" I asked her. She looked in my eyes and smiled,"We're good now." she said. I nodded and kissed her quickly. "Now let's get the rest of our things from the truck." I told her pulling her with me to the door to finish bringing the tons of boxes up.

••••[][] Later [][]••••

Bella and I sat on the couch looking around our apartment at the half unpacked boxes and the ones we hadn't even touched. She sighed and laid back placing her feet on my lap. I smirked and removed her shoes messaging her feet. She moaned in pleasure looking at me smiling. I smiled at her and kept messaging her feet. Before I even messaged her other foot she sat up straddling my waist.

She rubbed her finger up and down my chest sexily,"We haven't christened our new bedroom Mr.Cullen." she whispered in my ear seductively. I smirked and placed my hands under her thighs standing up. She kissed my neck as I carried us to the bedroom shutting the door behind us. I slowly laid her on the bed and kissed her.

I moved my lips from hers to her jawline and down to her neck. Her soft fingers ran through my hair messaging and tugging on it. I smiled and sat up removing my shirt. She smiled and kissed my chest once and again on the scar I had gotten while playing tag with Emmett in the woods once. She removed her shirt and I gently laid her back down smirking.

I kissed her neck again. "I love you so much Isabella Marie Swan." I told her. "I love you too Edward Anthony Cullen." she told me kissing me again.

~~~{}{} Next Day{}{}~~~

I woke up before Bella and got into the shower. I washed myself and my hair before stepping out. I ran my towel over my hair wiping away the wetness I could and dried off, before wrapping the towel around my waist. I walked out of the bathroom to not find Bella in the bed where she was before.

I smelt bacon and walked towards the kitchen. I stopped in the doorway looking at Bella as she cooked. I cleared my throat and she turned to me. She looked up and down my body, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth. I smirked, "The bacon love." I said pointing to the smoke rising from the pan of almost burnt meat.

She took out the bacon placing them in two plates of eggs and toast. I smiled walking to the counter and sitting in front of one of the plates. "What's with all the cooking?" I asked her. She smiled wiping off her hands before sitting next to me,"Well I decided that I should cook my handsome boyfriend a proper breakfast in our brand new home." she said kissing me.

I smiled against her lips before pulling away and picking up the fork and taking a bite of the food. My eyes widened as I looked at Bella. "Babe, this is amazing where did you learn to cook like this?" I asked her putting more food into my mouth. She smiled and swallowed her food before answering."I had to feed Charlie, it was either learn to cook or live off take out forever, so I went with the latter."

I nodded and swallowed my food before sipping the Orange juice. "Wait, we just moved in, where did the food come from?" I asked her. "When Alice Rose and I went shopping a yesterday we decided to stock the fridges before today." she said. I nodded and finished eating. She ate the last of her food and stood up. She reached for her plate but I grabbed it before her. "You can go take a shower and all that stuff and I will wash the dishes okay?" I said to her.

After she nodded she walked into the bedroom. I washed the dishes and dried my hands before going into the bedroom as well.

I grabbed a pair of boxers and put them on before putting on some jeans, a undershirt and my Dartmouth hoodie. I turned around just as Bella opened the bathroom door. I raised my eyebrows at her and looked at her body which was clade in nothing but a towel. She rolled her eyes and looked at me. "May you pretty please with cherries on top go to your car and get my box of toiletries?" she asked fluttering her eyelashes.

I rolled my eyes and nodded at her. "Thank you baby." she said smiling. I nodded and walked into the living room grabbing my keys off the coffee table. I left the apartment and took the stairs to the door leading out to the car park. I walked outside into the warm summer air and towards my car. I unlocked it and opened the door before I heard a voice behind me.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Mr.Edward Cullen." the person said. I turned around and was met with a man. He was about 5' 5", he had short blonde hair pulled back into a pony tail and he was wearing a brown leather jacket, a red t-shirt, and blue jeans. "Who are you?" I asked him. He smirked, "That is something you don't need to know, all you need to know is to watch your back Cullen." he said stepping closer.

I stood my ground glaring at him. "Come anywhere near me and my family and I will kill you." I told him in low voice. He smirked, "You have guts, too bad that won't work against me." he said pulling out a gun and aiming it at me. I gulped as a million and one things ran through my head. "Listen, our going to go where I tell you to go, and your going to take a ride with me or the bullets in this gun will be in your head." he said taking the safety off.

I slowly nodded my head. There was now only one thought in my head. My Bella. "If you so much as try to scream let alone talk I will kill you, or better yet I'll have them find your precious girlfriend Isabella and kill her instead." he sneered at me. "I'll cooperate just leave Bella out of whatever this is." I said to him. He smirked,"I will, for now that is. Now shut up and walk around that corner to the black car."

I silently did as he said, walking down the alleyway. I spotted the black sedan parked at the end of it and I walked towards it. Before I made it to the car something hit the back of my head and I fell to the ground. My head began to pound and black dots filled my vision. As I was going out of consciousness the only thing I thought I of was my family. And then I was out.

Day in the Life of Bella Swan (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now