Scoping Things Out

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Two Days Later

Happy couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't quite right at Jessie's. For one, he hadn't seen her anywhere. Usually, he would see her strolling down Main Street, looking in store windows, but she had dropped off of everyone's radar and he wasn't good with that.

To his way of thinking, her sisters didn't keep a close enough eye on her, and he resolved to speak to Evie about it the next time he saw her. Now though, he pointed his bike toward her end of town.

When he pulled up in her driveway, she opened her front door, her ever-present smile of greeting on her face.

"Good morning, Happy. I was just getting ready to leave. Can I help you with something?"

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a curtain move from the spare bedroom. He shrugged as he stepped up on the porch.

"Thought I'd come check on you, see how you were."

Jessie nodded as she stepped back to allow him entrance into her house. "Well, as you can see I'm just fine. Can I offer you a glass of lemonade or iced tea?"

Happy nodded as he looked around, trying to find something out of place that he could call her on. He knew something was going on, he just didn't know what. "Lemonade sounds good."

Jessie nodded as she moved toward the fridge. "It's already hot out there. I think I'll wait until this evening to work in the yard."

Happy nodded as he glanced in the sink and noticed two plates and two cups. "You got company?"

His suspicions were confirmed when she cleared her throat and refused to look at him. Little one couldn't lie for shit.

"Uh... no, no I don't."

Before he could reply, he heard a familiar voice come from the kitchen doorway, sending a shiver down his spine.

"If you want to sharpen your interrogating skills, you need to pick a tougher customer."

Happy turned his head to see Rocky leaning against the door frame, a frown on her face. He lifted a brow. "Should have known it was you."

Jessie cleared her throat again and slid past Happy and Rocky. "Well, I don't think I'm needed here. I'll be back later."

Happy smirked as the obviously nervous woman darted out of the house. He took a step closer to Rocky as she watched him closely.

"Why are you hiding out here?"

Rocky shrugged as she took the glass of lemonade from his hand and took a slow sip. "I wasn't hiding. I was just visiting my sister. Is there a crime in that?"

Happy shrugged. "Nah, but usually, none of you come around her unless you need something."

Rocky glared at him. "That's not true."

Happy nodded. "Yeah it is, but we can shelve that for later. Where have you been?"

Rocky smirked as he took the glass from her hand and sat it on the counter. "Why? Did you miss me?"

Happy knew from the smartass smirk on her face that she was calling his bluff, but he wasn't in the mood to lie or play games. He stepped closer, crowding her until her back hit the wall and her hand came up to lay on his chest.

"What if I did? You stay gone for weeks at a time? Nobody hears shit from you? That shit doesn't fly with me, Gerry."

She lifted a brow at the new nickname as she shook her head. "It's Rocky, and it doesn't have to fly with you, bright eyes."

Happy nodded before reaching out and laying a hand on the wall beside her head. He leaned closer, his lips almost touching hers.

"You gonna keep pretending that this is nothing, little girl?"

He watched as she bit her lip and stared at his mouth. "You're dangerous."

Happy smirked. "So are you. Next excuse?"

"You know nothing about me. If you did... "

Happy shook his head. "If I did, it wouldn't make a fucking difference."

Before she could reply to that, he closed the gap between them, running an arm around her waist to pull her closer as his mouth took hers in an almost brutal kiss.

Rocky moaned and melted into him, throwing her arms around his neck and anchoring herself as his tongue sought entrance to her mouth.

Happy couldn't have said how long the kiss lasted, but as he lifted his head, he knew it wasn't long enough. He gave her one more quick kiss before stepping back and turning her loose.

He stepped around her until the living room, stopping to grin at her. "I'll pick you up at seven. Be prepared to ride." He took a stepthem snapped his fingers. "Oh, tell Jessie not to touch the grass. Chibs wants a prospect to cut it. See you at seven, Gerry."

Happy shut the door behind himself and got on his bike, a self-satisfied smirk on his face. As he rode to TM, he couldn't help but think about the woman he'd just left standing in her sister's kitchen.

It was true that he didn't know a lot about her but he intended to learn everything before he was done. She may think this was nothing but he knew better. He now understood what Jax and Opie meant about Tara and Van.

She was his old lady from the first moment he'd seen her and he'd fight any demon she had to make it happen.

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