Ch. 1

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Just doing this story just cuz I want to
No hate pls
Also there might be a little bit of shidge no hate for that too pls
Also this is my first time writing a fan fiction so sorry if it's bad.

Lance's pov

By this time I have been dating Allura but, now I'm seeing why did I even like her in the first place. We been dating for like two weeks now. To be honest I now kinda regret liking her.

Keith's pov

Ever since Lance and Allura got together. I haven't been...okay. I was crushed when they started dating because I really liked Lance but, I mean I'm happy for him but, not really happy for myself. " okay." Shiro said from outside my door. "I'm fine...Shiro." "Keith you haven't come out since Monday." I just stayed quiet until I heard him leave. I heard everyone leaving their rooms to go to breakfast. So I just decided to leave my room.

Lance's pov

Honestly I wasn't feeling happy anymore with Allura. Also for some reason I think I was starting to LIKE KEITH! I was heading to the kitchen for breakfast. Then I saw Keith I was kinda happy to see him because he hasn't come out of his room in almost a week. I was always wanted to go check on him but, Allura wouldn't let me for some reason was it cuz Keith was half galra? Anyway I was making my way down the hall and there I went to go catch up to him and check up on him.

Keith's pov

While I was walking to get to the kitchen I can hear footsteps behind me. I turned around to see Lance!? I just said nervously. " H-Hey Lance." "Hey Keith I-I just wanted to check up on you." I can feel my cheeks heat up." Oh um..I-I been okay, thanks Lance." "No problem, Mullet." I turn around and I see Allura there standing there. "Oh..uh hey Allura." I said kinda nervous. She walks up to me and pushes me to the ground. "HEY!" I yell at her. All I can see is Lance walking over to me to help me up. "Allura why did you push Keith!?" "I TOLD STAY AWAY FROM HIM LANCE!"she says as she storms out to her room. Me and Lance gave each other confused looks.

Time skip~

Lance pov

It was later in the day and Allura had told me to go to her room. I really didn't feel like talking to her but, I went anyway. As I walk to her room she's already outside her door. When we go inside I can see from the corner of eye Keith. He's probably just going to the kitchen. When were in the room she just talks about how the Galra killed her Dad and stuff heard a million times. Then she got to this point where she told me to stay away from Keith. I quickly snapped "WHAT WHY!?" "because I said Lance." "Ok! YOU KNOW WHAT YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO ALLURA!!" "And also were done I can't with you anymore." And with that I walked out of her room. When I opened the door I can see Keith running down the hall I didn't really think much of it.

Keith pov

I was just walking down the hall to go to the kitchen. Then I see Lance heading down to Allura's room. So, I kinda listened to everything that they said. I was standing by the door when I saw Lance go in. First all I can hear is this. "Lance I also want you to stay away from Keith." When I heard I was really mad and confused. Then I hear Lance yell "WHAT WHY!?" "Ok! YOU KNOW WHAT YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO ALLURA!!". I was kinda proud that Lance said that because it's was true. Then I can here him walking towards the door that when I started running towards my door. I can hear the door open and then when I was far enough I stopped running. "Hopefully that wasn't suspicious" was all that I thought to myself.

Hopefully it's was good
Sorry if short
725 words

Happy ((KLANCE & SHIDGE))Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora