Extra Ch. It's Ok

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Here's a ch. Where the sencod klance baby is bornn~

Jay McClain Kogane.
Age- 2 days old.

Age- 12


"How is it Taylor?" Lance said as he walked into the room.

"It's good Papà!" Taylor said with joy in his eyes.

Jay was just born a few days ago. And Lance finally let Taylor hold her.

"Where's mom, papà?" Taylor asked still holding his little sister.

"He's still resting, sweetie." Lance said as he walked over to sit next to Taylor.

"Oh ok." Taylor said as he looked back down to his little sister.

"It's ok, Mom will feel better soon." Lance said as he put his hand through Taylor's hair.

"Hey babe.." Lance said as he entered the med bay.

"Hey...how's Taylor and Jay?" Keith said as he sat up.

"Their both ok."

Hey guys.
Hope you liked this little mini ch. I'll probably be doing little mini chapters now. Hope you like them.

And comment if you want me to do little ship chapters with Taylor.

Here are the ships again. And you guys can make ship names if you want:3



Well, byee peeps~~

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