XXIV - Bermuda Triangle

Start from the beginning

"We need to head there fast. If that worm was after who we were investigating, it's because this target must be important."

The agents Ann Soliver and Collin Netil sought out the WAEP director in his room to communicate the information and ask for permission to go to the school.

"This is a great opportunity to catch two birds with one stone. We'll thus inaugurate this base with a flourish, that is, with the capture of valuable specimens. Call the support teams and we'll go immediately to this school. I'll accompany you. I will not admit failures this time."

"Yes, sir, we have already left everything ready for the invasion of the place, and this time, nothing will go wrong."

"I hope you're right, agent. Now let's go quickly. We can't waste time."

Ronald looked at Collin and smiled, as if they both shared some secret.

A few days later, early in the morning, Dargan's communicator began to blink again. He picked it up, already imagining who it was. As if to confirm his suspicions, the hologram of the unknown figure appeared before him:

"Any new information about our target, Sergeant?" Agent X asked.

"She's at school right now. For now, no anomaly was detected. Helen continues her routine normally."

"We can't wait any longer. I ask you to meet me there in fifty minutes. Prepare the direct approach", the voice on the other side verbalized the moment he feared.

The spy knew that the government agents would probably be watching the place. If many of them showed up there, the mission could become devastating.

"I'd better try to find a way to catch the girl without hurting her," he thought. What he wanted most, in fact, was to preserve the lives of Sophia and the people she loved. They were getting along very well, and he knew that any thoughtless attitude would do her great harm. "I don't agree with this and I think it's a big mistake. But I must anticipate my arrival there for the good of the girl and Sophia. I can enter the place before them and remove the girl from the classroom, to keep her safe. Then, I'll follow the mission in detail, so as not to lose sight of her. We came to capture Captain Merko and nothing justifies using the little one as a bait."

The spy's heart really began to speak louder.

Dargan arrived at school twenty minutes before the scheduled time. He timed the operation on his bracelet and knew he had little time to get the girl. What he didn't imagine was that, in the meantime, a jet plane was landing at the Los Angeles airport. A helicopter transported the WAEP team to the mission site and a major operation was mounted, with the use of elite military troops. There was very little time for him to resolve the situation.

For him not to waste time, he teleported straight into the office of the principal, James Haunter. The man, who was checking some documents on his desk, was shocked to see him suddenly appear by his side:

"Who are you? How dare you invade my office?"

Before he caught someone's attention, the spy quickly neutralized him with a paralyzing gun. Immediately, he laid him behind his desk and copied his appearance. As soon as he saw that everything was in order, he left the room and went toward the secretary.

"Please, Judith, have the student Helen Traveler called. Ask her to come to my office as quickly as possible. Her mother wants to talk to her on the phone. We've spoken moments ago and she'll return in a few minutes. So be quick and keep it quiet."

The secretary found the principal's attitude unusual. Generally, the messages from the mothers were received by her, and she hadn't even heard the phone ring. But, since some give the orders and others obey, she promptly nodded and went to get the girl.

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