Chapter 37: A Fork in the Road

Start from the beginning

Saryana narrowed her eyes dangerously. "You," she said, "are a child."

"I'm not the same person that set out from Rivertown." Jolette hoped her body and voice showed more confidence than she was feeling on the inside. "I've learned a lot. I won't mess up like I did back then."

Or maybe, said a voice in her mind, she just wanted to prove herself. Show the world that she wasn't only a tag-along, that she could do more than rely on adults to solve all her problems.

"You're still too young to go alone," Saryana insisted. "You're thirteen years old, and this is the Colorless Land. You have no idea what's awaiting you there."

"The dragons," Jolette answered. "And my whole village."

"The villagers could be dead!"

Jolette flinched. A flash of blue flickered before her eyes again, bright and intense and inviting, its intensity matching the darkness of her sudden panic.

With a helpless glance, Saryana turned to Aithal, who placed a hand on her arm. "They could also be alive," he said. "We should never give up hope." Something gave Jolette the impression that he was talking to himself as well as her. "But whichever it is," he added after a moment's pause, "no one person can hope to save a village. Not alone."

Jolette set her jaw. What about a family? she wanted to ask. She didn't. She felt guilty. Besides, even if she got her parents back, what about her friends? What about the rest of the village? Either she saved all of them somehow, or life would never be the same again.

"Besides, the land is freezing cold and merciless. And so are its people." Aithal shuddered. "I went there once, years ago, as part of a delegation. Even I would not dare to face it unless I absolutely had to."

"I'm used to cold winters—"

"This is different. This is freezing. This is a wasteland that is only waiting to kill you with cold and starvation."

"Not if I go with you."

Jolette spun around. Edmian's hand had closed around her own, squeezing it, his pale palms and fingers feeling warmer than usual.

"I know the land," he said. "I managed there before. I can guide you."

Jolette swallowed. She couldn't hold his gaze. Too obvious was it that he was forcing himself. He was trying not to show it, but she could see the fear, the mind-numbing horror at the thought of returning to the very place he had been so desperate to escape from.

"No," she said.

His grip tightened. He was stronger than she remembered. "Why not?"

"They're hunting you." Jolette dropped her gaze to the ground. "You ran away from that place. You wanted to get out of there for good. I can't take you back there!"

"If you go, I go."

Almost. Almost Jolette wanted to call it off. Go back on her words, refuse to go anywhere near the Colorless Land, just for Edmian's sake. She couldn't do this to him. She didn't have the heart.

But the dragons. But her family. Her village.

"No," she said again, more firmly this time.

"No all right," Saryana added, "to either of you going. This is something for an adult."

"I'll do it then!" Evariel burst out.

"And I," said Zamrod. Evariel turned to look at him in surprise. He gave an annoyed huff. "Not my style to leave work halfway done."

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