Chapter 6: A Cold Trail

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"All clear," Jolette whispered as she peered around the corner, creeping quietly into the street where she lived. There was still no sign of human life here except herself and Edmian, but they both knew it couldn't remain that way for long. The Colorless would expect them to come back and return here, sooner or later.

The mist was clearing slowly, but Jolette knew this street inside and out. Careful to make no sound, she slipped past the neighboring houses, the house of the baker and miller and the blacksmith's smithy. The house where Liara had lived stood empty, abandoned in haste, and then she slowly creaked open the door of her own.

There was no trace of her parents. Of course there wasn't, but some secret part of her had still had hope. She pushed down the dread and disappointment and pulled Edmian inside.

"We need food," she said, daring to speak out loud again inside the familiar walls. "And water. And warm clothes. You can borrow my old coat. It's for girls, but it'll fit you." Darting back and forth, she gathered two packs and stuffed them with clothes and every light food item she could find, along with all the water skins that didn't yet have a hole. Last of all she snatched the precious dragon-horn from the ruins and wrapped it in a rag, placing it carefully on top of her pack. She hesitated for a moment, and then she grabbed the big kitchen-knife and stuffed it into her pocket.

"We're good to go," she said. "I think."

Edmian made no response, but he took the pack Jolette had gathered for him and held it close like a priceless treasure. Then he paused, listening intently. And froze.

"They're here," he whispered.

Jolette spun around, her pack already strapped on, her hand closing around the knife in her pocket. "Where?"

"In the street, I think." Edmian shivered. "How do we get out?"

Jolette didn't have to think about that. She knew a way. She had used it to sneak out a million times before.

"Window," she mouthed. "Backyard. Follow me!"

Together they slipped through the house, past Jolette's parents' room and into her own chamber. The blanket still lay crumpled like she had left it this morning, what felt like weeks ago. She opened the window. Beyond it lay a small yard that had once been filled with her grandfather's chickens.

"This way!"

They climbed outside, Jolette with practiced movements, Edmian more awkwardly. Jolette grabbed his hand and pulled him along, from one yard to the next, over gates and fences, moving between the rows of houses to the edge of the village. There was no sign of the chickens, nor of any other animals that had lived here before. Jolette did not dare wonder where they had gone. Right now no animals meant nothing that could call attention to them.

"D'you still hear them?" she asked when they reached the end of the row.

Edmian shook his head. "I think they went into the village," he whispered. "They passed us."

"Let's run!"

Peering carefully over the last fence, they scrambled out, leaping over and running into the fields. No Colorless soldiers greeted them. But they knew they could not be far.

They made for the surrounding woods, seeking cover from prying eyes, even if neither of them could tell how much the blank-eyed soldiers could see. From there they crept around the village, searching for the trail, hoping and praying that it was unguarded.

Just as they had almost reached it again, there was a rustle ahead, and a pale white silhouette moved barely ten steps ahead of them.

Edmian was the first to react. Snatching Jolette's wrist, he yanked her down and pulled her deep into the bushes.

The Colorless LandTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon