"Oh mom, I'm sorry she hurt you."

"Yeah honey, but that's part of the past. Isabel told me the girls are been strong, but the change of setting is affecting more to the little one."

"Oh yeah, living like a rich brat is such an issue."

"Ian don't be so hard with them is such a different setting, San Francisco is a big city with a variety of beliefs"

"And what's the problem with that, I just can almost see how that brats are"

"Kid, don't judge yet 'cause you can get a big surprise, you will not know what hit you"

Ian looked at his mother with a raised eyebrow in amazement and laughed.

"Ian, Ian, Ian.." Clarissa said in a disapproving voice. "Believe me kid you will remember my words"

"Oh, mom, ok I will not judge yet, but if that girl gets under my skin I will bark to them"

"Honey, please don't let your doggy out"

"You're so funny mom, ha-ha-ha"

"What! You were the one who said bark not I" Clarissa said laughing.

Ian clears this throat and said without hiding his laughter in each word "Yep, you definitely do something last night"

"Now, don't overdo kid, respect your mother"

Ian raised an eyebrow and said with a childish voice, "Yes, mommy"

A smile escapes Clarissa's mouth when she heard Ian and said, "Hey by the way, where are the boys?"

"Collin went to visit his grandpas and Benjamin is helping his father "

"That's great, I think you have to present the girls to them it could be cool if they take care of them too"

"hmmp if you said so"

"BUT Collin has to save his hands for Tiffany, that Missy has some problems with jealousy"

Ian laughed and said, "Do you also have noticed? That girl is a jealous compulsive stalker and angry like a hungry wolf, mom. Collin, the poor man, doesn't want anything with her but she keeps insisting, behaving as though they were still dating and every time a girl get near to him, she gets all work out"

"Mmm she is a very strong young woman, she will learn Collin isn't for her like you will learn destiny is a wise friend."

Ian had no idea that what his mother was telling him will come true in very close time. His destiny was already written and everything will change not only for him but for his friends too.

They talked all the way up to the airport, when Ian got his first look at Leena knew his mother was right, everything would change and he was sure that was going to be a good change but certainly wasn't going to let Benjamin or Collin to be near Leenah in a range of 2 ft.

For some reason, that at the moment couldn't put his hands on, he felt a huge protectiveness towards her and in that exact second he decides he would not allow anyone to harm her or touch not a single hair on her beautiful hair.


When they get to the entrance Jonathan, Collins and Benjamin were waiting. At the time they received the call of Alpha Jonathan, telling them he needed them present. They had no idea what was about to happen. When they reached the house, Jonathan explained the situation, he had called them because they will be future beta and omega of the pack, so it was time to put them to good use. They will be in charge, beside Ian, to maintain safe Alenaah and Leah without they giving out any information. Collins and Benjamin were more than curious to know who these girls were even if their alpha told them to keep their distance.

Clarissa gave them the tour all around the house, and all the way she couldn't stop talking, she was excited to have new people around the house and more excited because they were girls. When she saw the girls and Isabel she felt like Christmastime. She had always wanted to have a little girl not that Ian didn't give them enough problems as it were, but she missed having a girl around. It was difficult for their kind to conceive girls, out of 10 newborns, 3 were females, so yeah that's why when a new female showed up they celebrated it.

"We are here!" said Clarissa extending her hand to show them the guest-house.

"Ow Clarissa its beautiful isn't it, girls? " Said Isabel

"Yeah, mom it is " said Leah without sad and mad voice.

The fun thing was that Aleenah wasn't even paying attention. Her mind was in the three most handsome boys she had ever known.

"Leenah? leenah!" said Isabel with an impatient voice. "Come on, that was very rude of you "

"What?Rude? Why? "

"Jesus! Leenah, where is your head lately"

"Well mom in my dead father, yep that's it! Sorry Clarissa", Isabel gave her a hurt look, instantly Leenah feel bad 'cause truthfully she hadn't thought of her dad. She was thinking in Ian's deep eyes.

Clarissa frowned with a knowing look, "It's okay honey"

They entered the house and Clarissa showed Isabel the kitchen and then sent the girls to choose their bedroom.

"Arg! I hate this place Leenah, why the hell we couldn't go to any place near San Francisco, but no mom decide to move to nowhere," said Leah very mad.

"Look now kid .."

"I'm not a fucking kid anymore Leenah!"

"You know what? Yes, you are a kid a fucking -stupid -brat girl. So now shot up because Clarissa has been really nice to accept us in her house and give us this place for now ".

"Ahah, you don't understand anything, I have a life there. Even if it was fucked up. "

"A life with people so damn false like a plastic chinese barbie, and hell don't even said you were happy 'cause I know you."

"You know?" Leah let out a bitter laugh, and said "you don't fucking know me, I was HAPPY with them."

"That's a shame I thought you were better than those false chicks you hanged out. "

"You don't have the right to talk about falseness 'cause you cover yourself with that nasty clothes and that rough-tomboy attitude”

“Yeah I have my so called nasty clothes but I feel good with myself and you kid?”

Leah shut her mouth in the instant because in her inside she knew it was true.

“You know what I finish talking to you little brat girl, I’m off” said Leenah, then she turned around and went to her new room.

Leenah was so mad she didn't even hear the door knock, when she heard Ian's voice almost jumped through the window in surprise.

“Hey there” said Ian.

Running with You (ON HOLD)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz