The Concert

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Caroline's POV

I woke up and we were going back to LA today Camp can go so i was helping Camp to get ready  so when we we were home i just called every artist i knew like Ariana Grande,Imagin Dragons,Pink,Robbie Williams,Katy Perry,One Diraction,Jonas Brothers,Little Mix and more.Demi all ready told me that she is gonna be there and i was in my room and Camp came to my room"I just want to say i am so proud of you.You are still 16 year's old and you make dicision's like this that is so brave of you"Camp said to me and sat down next to me"Yeah well i just feel bad for every one of these people that were there and their family's and i just want to do something for them"I said and Camp just nodded and hugged me"I love you so much"I said to Camp"I love you too sweetheart"Camp said and kissed my forehead and then left and i saw my phone ringing and i saw Alex's ID so i just declind the call and then i saw that my phone was still ringing and then i heard yelling outside and i just looked out of the window and i saw Alex there and i went downstairs and opened the door"I don't care what you have to say i only came down because i wanted to tell you that i don't give a fuck about you and your dumb talk's anymore so leave now"I said"Wow calm down i just wanted to say that  i missed you and i want to get back together"Alex said and i just saw Demi and i saw a guy coming he looked like Nick Jonas"Okay i don't care. You cheated on me now 4 times.I don't care about you.I am over you and don't even try and get back with me because nothing will work and the girl of your dreams that you will always want she would never want you"I said to Alex.I saw Demi and Nick coming and as i finshed saying that i saw Demi and Nick looking at me and as i looked at Nick.He took my breath away.He is so hot.I just felt like everything stopped"Hi we just came here to talk about the concert for the thing"Demi said"Ummm yeah come in"I said to them and let them in and then i shut the door infront of Alex's face"Okay so what's up?"I asked them"We want to help you orgonaize everything for the concert"Nick said and smiled at me so i smiled back at him"Okay"I said and we all sat down at a cauch"Okay so i got a list of people that are gonna come"I said and brought my note book and showed them everyone that is gonna come"Okay so where are we doing it?"Demi asked us"Well i think Aztec Stadium that was where i once preformed it can fit a lot of people"Nick said"Yep that is an good idea"I said and Demi just nodded and smiled"Who is gonna sing first?"I asked them"Well I think the we can go first and by we i mean the Jonas Brothers"Nick said"Okay"I said and wrote on the paper and after some time Nick stood up"Okay i have to go now but see you soon"Nick said and hugged me the hug felt so nice and warm i just smiled into the hug and then he hugged Demi and then he left"Okay now tell me what happened with Alex when me and Nick were coming?"Demi said"Alex came because he want's me to be his girlfriend again"I said"And what are you gonna do?"Demi asked"Of course i am not gonna care"I said and Demi just laughed"You know in the tour Alex tried to flirt with me too"Demi said to me"What"I asked"Why didn't you tell me"I asked her"Because i thought that you already had a lot going on"Demi said and i just hugged her"Thank you for everything that you have done for me"I said to Demi"Well you welcome"I said and smiled and then i heard my phone ringing"Hello"I said"Hi it's me Charlotte we have not talked for a while"Charlotte said"Yeah true"I said"Can i come to you in 2 hours i have nothing to do right now"Charlotte said and i just looked around"Ummm yeah sure see you then"I said"Bye"Charlotte said and i hung up"Who was that?"Demi asked"It's my half sister."I said to Demi"What's up?"Demi asked"She just said that she is gonna come here in two hours because she has nothing to do and me and her haven't talk for a while"I said to Demi and she just nodded and we kept planing and after 2 hours i heard the door bell and i saw Charlotte and i just hugged her and let her in"How are you and Emily?"I asked her"Well that's why i came here she is out in a club and i saw her dancing with some other girls and they were really close"Charlotte said  and then we went to the living room and Demi just stood up"Demi this is Charlotte and Charlotte this is Demi"I said and they shake hands and we just started to talk and after some time i saw Camp coming down and as she saw Charlotte she just came up and hugged her"How are you?"Camp asked Charlotte"I am okay"Charlotte said"Okay so Caroline i heard on what you are doing and that is so brave of you"Charlotte said as she sat back next to me"Well thx"I said and smiled"Np"I said and after some time i went upstairs  and then i heard my phone biping and i just picked it up and saw some comments like"She has to show more skin"Or"She would be so much beautiful if she had no cloths on"And"She is too fat"and"Why does she even have anyone i would be embarrassed to even know her" then my head started to hurt and i saw how much things i have to do more and i just started to quaietly sob and after some time i heard the door opening and i saw Demi coming in"Hi we have to do the rest of the people-"Demi just stoped as she saw me and i just started to cry more and i started to shake she just came to me and hugged me and i just putted my head on her chest"It's okay i am here"Demi said and after some time of crying.After sometime i calmed down and i just pulled away from Demi and then she just moved my hair away from my face"I just the people want to change me they are talking about how i would look more beautiful without any cloths and i want to be perfect but i can't be like this anymore it's hurting me"I said with tears in my eye's and i just looked at Demi and she just rubbed my back and i looked down"We are always here for you and don't worry about those comments"she said"Don't you think that i don't have those kind of comments because i do and i just want to say don't listen to them be yourself and be who you really are inside.Because if they don't love you as you are right now then they are not your fan's.You are so amazing right now and you can't please everyone in the entire world that is not possible okay"Demi said and i just hugged her and then i pulled away"Thank you so much for everything that you both have done for me"I said"Of course and don't forget you are my sissy"As she said that she did this 

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