Everything is too much (TW)

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2 months later

Caroline's POV

I was in my bathroom crying and I don't even know why I think it is become everything is too much for me now.Everyone is wherever i go there is always people that are shouting my name and so many light's in my eyes and then I went on my phone and wrote to Chloe and Emma"I just wanted to say goodbye before it is gonna be too late"I said and I saw that they read it but I did not want to look at the responses so I just put the phone away from me I just got a blade on my arm till it was bleeding and I wanted to die now and then I made the deepest cut I had ever did in my life

Camp's POV

I heard the door bell and went to open it and when I opened the door.I saw two crying girls and it was..."Chloe?Emma?What are you two doing here?And what happened?"I asked then"Oh no so you don't know then she could of had done it all ready"Emma said"What are you girls talking about"I asked them and Chloe showed me the massage that Caroline has send and I just runned upstairs to Caroline's room and I did not see her there so I went to Caroline's bathroom.I saw her laying down on the floor blood around her.I started to cry and went up to her and putted her head on my lap"Please don't do this to me please"I said and started to cry harder and then I saw Skylar coming in with Brittany.Brittany was all ready had tears when she saw who I was holding and she covered her mouth and then I saw Chloe calling the ambulance"Omg"Brittany said between crying and sat down next to me"The ambulance is coming"Chloe said"Thank you"Skylar said with tears in his eyes.I know he wants to be strong but i still know when he is the most sad and this is one of these moments.After sometime we heard the door bell and Skylar went to open it and when he came back the ambulance was here I was still holding Caroline in my arms and then the people took her away and I started to cry harder and harder and then Skylar helped me to stand up and he pulled me into his arms and i hide my face in his neck my legs were shaking i felt like i could not stand by myself and after some minutes I pulled away "We have to go to the hospital"Skylar said and I just pulled away from him"You guys go first I have to clean up whole of this"Brittany said and we nodded and went into the car"Everything is gonna be okay"Skylar said and putted his hand on my leg.I just started to look out of the window.When we came in the hospital we asked for Caroline and they said to wait in the waiting room so we went there and sat down there was not a lot of people there.I just sat down and putted my head on Skylar's shoulder and started to cry"Aww babe don't cry everything is gonna be okay"Skylar said and putted his arm around me.After some hours Hailee and Brittany came"Did they say anything about Caroline"Brittany asked"No.They said nothing I am starting to get more and more worried"I said and Hailee sat next to me and putted her hand on my shoulder"I know that Caroline is gonna be okay she is really strong"Hailee said and i just putted a sad smile on and tears were going down my cheek and then I saw Chloe, Emma and Alex coming in here"How is she?Is she gonna be okay?What happened to her?"Alex asked"We don't know anything other then the 3rd question"Skylar said"She wants to kill herself"Chloe said and Skylar just hugged me tighter and then I saw Alex went to sit down and putted his head in his handsAfter some hours the doctor came"Hello is there anyone for Caroline Snow?"The Doctor asked and me,Hailee,Brittany and Skylar went up to him"which three of you are her mother"the doctor asked Brittany just looked at me"does two are her parents"Brittany said and pointed at me and Skylar and i just looked at her and she then left"And you"the doctor asked"I am her Aunt"Hailee said and the Doctor nodded"Okay so she is really lucky she is gonna be okay she just needs some rest"the doctor said"If you want to see her her room is two door's from here"the doctor said and we all nodded and then the doctor left and we went back to the waiting room"Is she gonna be okay?"Alex asked"Yeah the doctor said that she is really Lucky she just needs some rest you kids can go home and see her tomorrow"I said and the Chloe,Emma, and Alex left.Then me and Brittany came into Caroline's room and Brittany was sitting on the couch beside the bed and I was standing next to Caroline's bed"Why did you say to the doctor the truth and you can't say the truth to Caroline how heart breaking is that i always want to tell her but you always say that i can't AND NOW YOU JUST SAID THAT TO A RANDOM PERSON don't you think that Caroline had to know that first"I asked Brittany"Sorry okay i just"Brittany said but she stopped"You just what you just want to lie to her for her whole life"I asked and Brittany just looked down"Why did she did this to herself "Brittany asked me"I don't know well i might know one reson but i don't think is about this one"I said"She used to but that day when you got stabbed then she just pushed me out"I said"I am sure.She knows that she will always have you if she needs anyone"Brittany said.I started to have tears in my eyes"I hope that she will wake up because I love her like a daughter"I said to Brittany"Well you know"Brittany said looking at me like i didn't know that that was true that Caroline is my daughter"I love her.Love her to the moon and back but it is nothing to compare to how much you love Caroline"Brittany said and I just looked at her confused"Britt what do you mean"I asked her and she had a tear going down her cheek"I think that we should tell her the truth it would be a better for her and for everyone and i already know that Caroline will love you because  your's and Caroline's relationships is better then me with her"Brittany said and I just hugged her"You know that she needs you she shut everyone out because of what happened to you not to me"I said to Brittany"Well i know that if something like that would of happened to you then she would never leave her room"Bittany said

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