Ayumi turned a beet red again. She could not help it! She took a deep breath, and couldn't help but feel at home. The smells reminded her of her own mother's cooking. He could cook too - what else was he good at? Madara made his way to the kitchen.

"You live here all by yourself?" Ayumi asked, following him slowly, taking in her surroundings.
"Hmm." Madara hummed in agreement.

"Big house." Ayumi said, sitting on a tall chair that was placed at the kitchen island. "For a bachelor."

Madara was at the sink now, washing the plates he had used to prepare his food with, his eyebrow twitched at the mention of the word bachelor. It just reminded him that he was unmarried. She was eyeing his broad back.

"That's expected to change soon." Madara turned around, wiping his hands with a rag, quickly throwing on his dark yukata.

Change?! Madara was getting married?! But...

"N-no way..." Ayumi itched her cheek, "Is that what the councillors have been pestering you about?"'

And a few seconds later, before Madara could answer, they both heard chimes from outside.
"I'll get it, Madara." Ayumi shuffled to the front entrance, only to be met at face value with...

Uchiha Tajima, with his wife bound to his side, Izuna behind them.

Ayumi couldn't lie, but she was slightly awe-struck. Something felt different this time. They weren't meeting on the basis of treaties and war, but because of familiarity.

"Ehhhh? Ayumi." Izuna mumbled. Ayumi couldn't help but grow slightly nervous, gulping.
Tajima blinked, a lopsided frown on his face.

Tajima blinked, a lopsided frown on his face

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"Hyuga Ayumi." He recalled my name, "At my son's house. What are you here for?"

The princess further slid the door so that they could all make their way inside. "My apologies. Madara invited me not too long ago. I got here just now, actually."

Tajima sighed, eyeing both Madara and her suspiciously. "As long as you two are causing no trouble."
Ayumi grinned shyly, "Of course not."

"Not giving my brother a hard time, are ya?" Izuna playfully punched Ayumi's arm.
"Oi, I'm not!" She wrapped an arm over his shoulder and ruffled his hair.

Madara caught a glimpse of them and couldn't help but hide his smile. It reminded him of the times Izuna and him used to joke and banter when they were younger.

"The food is ready and set up." Madara pointed to the table across the living room, interrupting their play-fighting.

Both Izuna and Ayumi's childish faces lit up as their stomachs growled.
"How come you never told me your brother was such a good cook?" Ayumi rubbed her chin as they shuffled towards the living area.
"I thought that would be a given, since he's good at everything." Izuna sat down on the floor, eyeing the food.

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