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^Ant looking like a sexy boss^

I'm not gonna hold back with posting these chapters now because I've finished the story , so will probably be 2 chapters a day... this is chapt: 10/13

Dec's trance like state he'd been induced to by the dark haired boy only broke when, from the middle of the audience a voice bellowed, "Fuckin' faggots!" The guards, in full force and alert for any trouble, immediately focused on finding the source of the disturbance.

As two converged on the section of the audience they thought the heckling had come from, someone shouted, "Who you calling fa**ot, mutha fucka?" Several of the boys stood up, surrounding the pair that seemed to be at the center of the problem. A short shoving match began.

"I guess I'm calling you a fa**ot, b*tch, if you can't see- " The speaker received a well-placed right hook to the side of his head and went down in a heap. Like a match to a powder keg, that was all it took.

The fight was on.

As the guards in that section closed in on the fight, another broke out right behind them, engulfing them in the pile of bodies and swinging fists. Shots were fired, and the non-combatants stampeded to the nearest exits, generally getting in the way of anyone trying to stop the melee.

David stared open-mouthed at the scene in the audience for a moment, then turned to the others on the stage and shouted, "Let's get the fuck outta here!"

Another shot rang out, Rob and Asher headed for the side door, hitting it at the same time. A loud scream made them turn. They saw Gary being engulfed by a mass of frenzied fists and angry snarls. A shared glance and they knew they couldn't leave him. With a growl and a curse Rob launched myself into the masses, throwing bodies to and fro, Asher following closely behind and plowed a beeline straight to Gary.

Semi-conscious and bleeding, Gary still clung to his sidearm as Asher tossed him over his shoulder and Rob cleared the path to the hallway. Pelting full tilt down the hall they headed for Gary's office, slamming the door and turning the lock behind them. Dropping Gary gently on the floor, they slumped down the walls, panting and both silently grateful they'd made it out of there alive.

Jamie stood open-mouthed as the riot grew and swept toward the stage. The stage lights illuminating the first few rows, Jamie saw Gary go down in a pile of bodies, and Rob and Asher going back for him. Winston tackled him to the floor of the stage as a shoe flew over them. "Come on!" he shouted in his ear, grabbing his collar and dragging him off the stage. Standing once they were in the wings, Winston gestured up. "Let's go." Climbing up the stairs, through the narrow passageway, they made it to the rat's nest and climbed in, locking the small door behind them. Four feet wide and five feet across, the ledge afforded them a horrible view of the carnage below as they looked past the huge speakers

"We should be safe up here if we're quiet," Winston breathed in Jamie's ear, "and even if someone comes up after us, there's only one way in." Jamie nodded and turned his attention to the scene unfolding below. A distant siren began to wail, announcing to the world that the rest of the Institute was finally aware that something had gone terribly wrong.

"Winston, what's happening?" Jamie's voice sounded very small, his usually hard walls breaking down in fear for his life. Winston brought him back from the edge of the rat's nest and into his arms.

"I've heard of it happening before. Never here, but..." He shrugged and wrapped his arms around Jamie, pulling his head onto his chest. "It's okay, we should be safe here." Wrapping his arms around the younger boy, he crooned nonsensically into his ear, holding him close while Jamie trembled. "It's okay, I'll protect you..."


Ant hesitated only a moment before he turned to the two left on the stage with him. "Let's get the fuck outta here!" A shot rang out, and Stephen spun and fell to the floor. Ant and Dec hit the stage floor at the same time, Dec screaming as he saw Stephen go down. Crawling toward him, Dec almost made it to the unconscious boy when the fighting finally made it to the stage and he found himself under a horde of flying fists and feet.

"Declan!" Ant bellowed.

Anyone watching would have seen something akin to a charging bull, a force of nature that would make any sane man piss his pants in sheer horror. Unfortunately for the people in Ant's path, they were too busy to see pain heading their way. Ant dove headfirst into the pile of bodies, flinging men and boys aside like playthings in his panicked quest for Dec. He found him, slightly winded with a split lip at the bottom of the pile blinking at Ant like he'd grown a second head. "Dec?" Ant bellowed to be heard above the din.

"We gotta get Stephen!" Dec shouted back, shaking his head slightly to rid the buzzing. Ant simply nodded, dragging Dec along, straight-arming people as he went to the last place they had seen Stephen. They found him on his back clutching his head where a small but steady line of blood trickled down the side of his scalp.

"Stevie!" Dec shouted, scooping the injured kid up as Ant sent a leaping attacker over their heads using the guy's own momentum into a handy nearby wall.

"My head, It hurts," Stevie whimpered. Dec nodded, looking around to where Ant was still on guard, teeth bared.

"Dec! Take the kid to the exit and get the hell outta here!" Ant yelled taking down another fellow inmate, who'd been charging towards Dec and Stevie. He watched as Dec shoved Stephen towards the door.

Ant sighed in relief as the kid made it to safety, but just as he went to follow Donnelly, a fabulous right hook caught him square on the jaw.

"Ant!" Dec roared, throwing his fist into the punk who'd taken Ant down. The punk blinked, looking very confused before he collapsed like a puppet with its strings cut.

"Ant! Can you here me??" Dec slung Ants arm over his shoulder and adjusted his grip so he could support the taller boy.

"Shit," Dec growled, when Ant didn't respond. "Let's get the fuck out of here." He muttered to himself.

Dec ducked and weaved through the chaos, staggering under Ant's awkward height and weight but not letting his iron grip on the young boy release.

Don't stand so close to me |✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ