'Okay, I see it.'

'Don't forget the sneakers in the bottom of the box.'

Cas put on the clothes, careful not to crease them. 'They are comfortable,' he conceded.

'Let me see, let me see!'

Cas switched the camera back on, after a moment of searching for the icon, and stood back so she could get a full view.

'Nice,' Charlie said, nodding approvingly. 'Fits great.'

'I should hope so, since you know my measurements.'

'No time for your sass right now, so just turn around, I need a look.'

'What? No!'

'Cas, how many times do I have to tell you to trust me? Hurry up and spin.'

Cas groaned, but turned around, holding his head in his hands.

'Yep, hot stuff. You're gonna dazzle him and it'll be all thanks to me.'

'Yes, thank you, Charlie,' Cas said, quickly turning back around. 'What should I do with my hair?'

'Leave it. It's fine the way it is. Besides, you could never tame it without it looking like you dumped a bucket of hair gel on your head.'

'I suppose.' Just then, Cas heard the unmistakable sound of Dean's car outside and his heart leapt. 'That's him, I have to go.'

'Okay, have a great time! You're gonna be amazing.'

'Thanks, Charlie.'

She hung up the call just as Dean knocked on the door.

Cas ran his hands through his hair and quickly threw his robe into the bedroom before opening the door.

Dean's eyebrows shot up when he saw how Cas was dressed, and whistled. {You look great}

{Thank you}

{Who picked it out for you?}

{C-h-a-r-l-i-e. She says I have terrible fashion sense and thought I might wear that gray sweater}

{You do have terrible fashion sense, but that sweater isn't so bad}

Cas blinked in surprise.

{It's cute} Dean shrugged. {Let's go. After you}

Cas went to Dean's car and climbed into the passenger seat, which was just as comfortable as it always was.

{Don't fall asleep} Dean teased as he got in. {We're not going far. There's a great grill and bar across town} He pulled away, slowly driving through the town and past the bakery. He glanced at Cas a few times. {R U N-R-V-S?} he asked.

'Yes. I am. Very,' Cas admitted.

Dean turned a corner and the restaurant appeared in front of them. {Me too}

They parked the car and walked into the building. It was warm and welcoming, with the general sound of chatter and the grill sizzling. A girl with a ponytail bounced over to them.

'Good evening and welcome to the Huntsman - hey, Dean! Back again, huh?'

Dean nodded.

The girl looked Cas up and down. 'Well, you're not Sam.'

'Oh, no, I'm Cas.'

'Like Cas from that sweet little bakery in town?'

'Yes, that one.'

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