She shuffled through more pics, when a particular pic caught her attention where it was young Arnav who was putting red vermilion on her forehead, they both were grinning!!!


Knowing there is no chance of denying the fact seeing the determinant look on arnav's face, Anita broke down- Your and Khushi's marriage did happen during your childhood when you guys were very young.

Arnav felt like someone chocked him suddenly from behind, he was married to khushi!! This only thing was enough to make him go insane.. Why did this happen?? Why none ever raise this topic?? Why in their childhood only?? Why??

Voice dried in his throat hearing this secret revelation of his life. His mind stopped functioning, the only thing he asked was- Kyun Maa??

Anita tried to hold her son's hand who was looking so devastated. That look on his face was giving her nervousness only. It was as if Arnav would lose his sanity after this revelation of the life. 

Anita whispered- In your childhood, you often fall ill. We took you to doctors but no result came, you were sick most of the time..even we lost the hope that you...(Her tears flew from her eyes like rain fall..) We would ever get you our life..

Aarav wrapped his arm around Anita, 

Anita continued- One day we met an old pandit at our Radhakrishna temple... He said there is some fault in your kundli..and..only and only if any girl.. whose kundli is just opposite like your kundli.. and if we get you both married, then only we could save your life!!! So we did Khushi's kundali was same..even it was Garima and my wish to extend our friendship to next level, for us nothing could be better than this.. We both had once dreamed of same and... we got you and Khushi married..

The broken sound of vase, making trio turned their head towards the sound.

Tears started making her eyes blur , her mind became blank hearing each word Anita Maa was saying. Khushi had come here to ask Anita about those photographs. Her body became paralyzed, in the process of griping herself she held the near by flower vase but could not control her own emotions.

Her eyes traveled from Anita, to Aarav then her eyes stuck on Arnav before Khushi diverted her eyes..

Anita stood up seeing the shaken state of khushi- Khushi.. Sun..Bacha..

But Khushi did not wait for there, taking her steps backward she started running away from there. Her heart burst into tears.. Anita Mumma and Aarav Baba used her to save their son's life!! She felt suffocated, wanted to run away from there. That was the moment.. her heart cried and she felt betrayed!! The pain of betrayal by her own people whom she..loves, adores like nothing!! Her Baba Mumma..

 She ran away not seeing who was standing in front of her until she banged against the person.

Before she could fall, She was held by shoulder. Khushi looked up only to see Krishna standing there staring at her worriedly seeing her in this state!! Khushi tried to push Krishna and run away but Krishna did not let her go.. He held her wrist- What happened khushi?? Why are you crying??

Khushi shook her head- Leave my way Krishna.. Just let me go from here!!!

Krishna forcefully took her to sofa, her crying was not subsided till then. Khushi tried to get up, but Krishna did not let her go, taking his seat on tea table in front of her asked gently- What happened khushi?? Did anyone say you anything?? Why are you crying like this??

There was that pain, that wound in Khushi's heart that Khushi could neither tell anyone nor bear herself. She just looked down.

Krishna kept quiet for some time, Anita and Aarav standing at upstairs saw the scene. Khushi's tears stabbed their heart. Anita was about to run down to khushi, Aarav stopped her- She will not listen to you Anita.. Give her some time.

Anita burst into tears seeing both Arnav and khushi's life taking such an ugly turn.

Aarav took Anita from there knowing if Anita continued to see them like this, as they were her weak points, she will fall sick crying like this. Anita was not that emotionally strong woman may be a little more weak when it come to Arnav and khushi!!

After a long, 10 minutes, when Khushi's cry subsided a little Krishna held a glass of water in front of her lips- Drink some water.

Khushi turned her face away- No..

Krishna sighed seeing her stubborn attitude- Ok.. Now let's go to our home, you will feel good talking to your Di.. Ok??

Hearing anjali's name again stabbed her heart.. Even her Di whom she never considers anything than her own elder sister ditched her feeling just like Mumma, Baba!!

Khushi- I don't want to go any where Krishna.. Why don't you understand??

Krishna- Ok fine.. Let's go some where else.. Your favorite spot..Near river Yamuna.. Ok??

Khushi shook her head negatively- Mujhe kahin nehi jana hai Krishna.. ( I don't wanna go any where..)

But Krishna did not listen to her- You will feel good.. Let's go.

He almost dragged Khushi even without her will.

Standing upstairs, Arnav saw the scene. The moment, khushi left with Krishna.. 

Arshi FF- My Little Bride (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now