Big Fat Liars (Part 1)

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"Mum! Dad!" Harry squeals in excitement.My face sparks a frown when I saw Harry's folks walk in through the door.While they are still busy talking,my legs carry me up the stairs into my room.I can't believe I have to leave so soon,his parents had came home.I sit on the bed cross-legged.I've regretted what I've said earlier that I will get the hell out of here when his parents come home.And now his parents are home,yet I don't want to leave so soon.I sigh when there is a knock on my door.

"Darcy,can I come in?" The husky voice of Harry's makes my eyes more wet than before. "Darcy?"

"Come in,Harry." I blink away my tears rapidly.

"Darcy,why are you here? You should meet my parents." He pouts like a 5 year old.

"Harry,don't you get it? My mission is done,your parents are home and i can't stay here." I close my eyes.

"Don't take yourself as an agent," Harry squeezes my arms. "You are my girlfriend,and i want you to stay."

It is unbelievable that Harry will want me to stay,images of him kicking me out of the house once his parents are here is the first thing that comes to my mind.However,what he said was the total opposite.My evil conscience is telling me to leave but my good conscience is telling me to accept his offer and stay.

"Since you have said so,I will stay until next Tuesday." I tell him and curiosity is clearly written on his face.

"Why Tuesday,Darcy? Why can't it be longer?" He lets go of me,running his fingers through his curly brown strands.

"I need to complete a mission next week,Harry." I straighten my long legs. "It's my job."

Harry nods his head knowingly.He knows me well enough that I save human lives in my job. "just don't let my parents know that you're an agent,okay?" He reminds me.

"I won't," I chuckle and follow him down.


"Mum,dad,this is Darcy,my lovely girlfriend." Harry motions me to sit beside him.I walk shyly to the leathered couch and sit down right next to Harry,just opposite his parents.

"Hi,Mr. and Mrs.Styles." I look up and flash them a smile.

"Oh,just call me Robin and my lovely wife,Anne." Robin leaned a little closer to the front,his smile brightening his face.

"What a gorgeous young lady,Harry." Anne praised her son.I can tell Harry appreciates it with the way his eyes turned into a vibrant green. "So tell us Darcy,something about yourself."

"My name is Darcy Mavril,I'm 18 this year,I came from Brighton and...uhm...I think that's all." I ball my fists on my thighs to reduce the tension building in me. I'm not really the kind of girl to open up to people about myself except people who are realli intimate with me.

"Brighton is not really close.So Darcy,what do you work as?" Anne asked again and my head is spinning like a turnado.Chef,vet,fashion designer,air stewardess,model,agent.NO! Strictly no agent! So I can only take the most similar job to mine.


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