Chapter 26

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     Today at class I found out ZAYN is actually a letter in the old Syrian alphabet, so now I have a favorite letter in that language 😂

     If it wasn't for the guys' calm expressions, you'd think a criminal broke into the house. Zayn and Harry were helping Louis pack, as the blue-eyed man decided that the best time to start packing was five hours before the flight. He strongly believed that trying Italian suits, hats, gestures, and mispronounced words was way more important. The other two kept teasing him, even though a week later they would have to go through the same process. When the last bag was finally ready, Louis popped down on the couch, regretting that they didn't pack everything the other day, like they did for Liam, who was completely free at the moment.  

- Are we ready to go? - he asked and threw his head back tiredly. 

     Harry looked around the living room and nodded, seeing how lifeless the house looked with half of the stuff gone. Louis jumped up, immediately getting energetic and excited. He took some of the bags and ran to the door. 

- I think we forgot something. - Harry chuckled, seeing that Louis was about to leave the country without Liam, who was the actual reason why they were moving away. 

     It took a few seconds for Louis to understand what the elder lad meant, but then his cheeks reddened from the embarrassment he felt for forgetting his little brother. He was the perfect choice for looking after him, wasn't he! Harry clearly understood his doubtful thoughts and pecked his cheek teasingly. 

- I'll go get him. - Zayn quickly said and rushed upstairs. 

     He usually wasn't the clingiest person but now he couldn't bear the thought of being away from Liam even for a second. He was glued to the boy's side for the whole week and it got so much that Liam had to plead him for some private time before leaving. It seemed strange, as Liam never pushed him away but the elder one let it slide. But now it made sense, as Zayn hurried to open the door and found it locked. He frowned and knocked on it. Was Liam really having a private time or was it something else?

- Li, are you alright? - he asked nervously. 

     He didn't hear any sound for a few seconds and it worried him but then the boy's clear voice was heard through the door. 

- I changed my mind! I'm not coming! I don't wanna be a songwriter, I'll stay with you, Louis, and Harry my whole life! - he rambled confidently, trying to make his voice sound as demanding as possible. 

     Zayn smiled fondly at the though of how much Liam resembled a child throwing a fit at the moment but he could also sense his sadness and fear. He couldn't blame the boy, as he would probably react likewise, maybe even worse. 

- Baby, you have no idea how much I want that too. But we can't just throw away your success. - he said gently, resting his forehead on the cold door. 

     Liam, on the other hand, was still being difficult, laying on his favorite bed in his favorite room, where he shared so many moments with his favorite brothers. He crossed his arms over his chest, not bothering that his sneakers were on the clean blanket. It was just one of the grumpiest days he ever had. 

- I don't wanna go. - he whined loudly, slightly kicking his leg, even though Zayn couldn't see him. 

     Zayn sighed deeply. If a moment ago it was cute, now he was getting angry, as the airport's schedule didn't depend on Liam's mood. They couldn't afford getting late after all the work they have done. 

- Liam, this won't work on me. Get out before I break the door. Or else you'll have big problems. I'm not kidding. Get out. Right now! - he said sternly, slightly raising his voice. 

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