Khushi- Rubbish..

Arnav turned to face her- Why?? Why rubbish??

Khushi- Because I know you left because I had prepared the food today.. Stop lying Arnav!!

Arnav- If you think you know everything, then don't you think you should have known the reason behind this??

Khushi- Mujhe kaise pata hoga Arnav??( how will I come to know the reason Arnav??)

Arnav- Kyun tumhe kabhi kuch pata hi nehi chalta khushi.. ( why don't you understand anything khushi??)

Their voice was racing with each other to see whose pitch his higher. Both were taking out their frustration through words on each other. Khushi stared at him angrily while Arnav also did the same. But wait, his words made her feel as if he was not just referring breakfast but some other thing when he said she does not understand.. But what?? 

Khushi replied turning her face away- I want to know why did you leave not touching the food??

Arnav counter questioned- And I want to know why are you so hyper just because I have not eaten anything?? You did prepare for MaaPapa were having, actually did not you hear Papa praise you??.. Then why are you angry?? What do you want Khushi??

Khushi opened her lips but failed to collect her thought through the help of syllables to make him understand.. Making Arnav understanding her dilemma was not an easy task for her, so she  did not reply anything, she did not know why but she just could not say for why she even did that.

 Khushi gulped down her own anger, clutching her seat belt near her tummy. Her big fat EGO never let her open herself in front of him.. She just want to make clear to him she did not mean to hurt his feeling but she just could not gather her words to express her guilt.

Arnav also kept silent knowing there will be no response from her side. His car came to screech, Khushi was about to get down Arnav said

" Wait for me in afternoon here. I have no work in second half, so we can return home together.(nodding her head Khushi was about to leave.. Arnav added..) When I say here means, right here Khushi.. We will meet at this particular place.."

He did not wish to find himself as well as her at that state like that unfortunate night. 

Khushi nodded her head positively not wishing to argue more with him. Her aim was to make him understand she was sorry for action not to make him angry. But knowing her behavior taking a opposite route Khushi did not open her mouth to utter anything. At least she would not spoil his mood further..


The moment when Nitya and khushi came out of college gate, it started drizzling.

Khushi- Nitya, it's about to rain, I don't think you should wait for me. I think you should leave.

Nitya- Bilkul nehi.. I'll be here with you..

Khushi- Please Nitya, I'll be fine here, But you will fall sick the very next day if you get drench in rain. Please go, I'll call you later.

She almost pushed Nitya, having no option left Nitya left hugging khushi.

Slowly it started raining heavily, Khushi was almost drenched. There Though there was some place where khushi could go and save herself from rain but she did not go. She stood there where in morning Arnav had asked her to wait for him. She remembered his words, she would stand there and wait!! No option should be there beyond this. Khushi told herself. 

After almost 15 minutes, Arnav reached. Khushi got inside the car. Seeing her all drenched Arnav asked angrily

" Could you use your brain a little occasionally?? Are you foolish or what Khushi?? You are all wet.. What if you fall sick??" 

Khushi replied

" If I had used my brain, I would not have been here Arnav.. I would have reached home already."

Arnav's heart started skipped a beat hearing her reply. Yes, she had the better option even than waiting here.. she could have gone home easily with her friend then why did she wait here?? Did she wait just because he had asked her to wait for him?? But as far as his knowledge his words infact his promise hold no importance in front of her view.. Then why did she wait??


"Then why did not you use your brain??"

Asked Arnav carefully avoiding those numbers of easy options available to Khushi to save herself from rain. 

Khushi replied calmly

" It's raining heavily, why did you come here.. You could have guessed I had left before it started raining?? It's not rocket science to know, right??"

Arnav's tongue tied, he looked straight on road. He himself does not know the reply then what would he tell her why did he come here?? Not even for a moment this idea did come to her brain that she would leave without him.. They had talk in morning and his heart just took this route lead to her.. That's it. 

Some where his heart knew she would wait.. for him!! No matter why.. no matter how long.. no matter what for!!! But she would wait.. And that tiny believe in his heart and he was there sitting beside her in his car to return home.

 That idea of her leaving without waiting for him never came in his mind, and like she said she had a better option then, still she waited there?? Then why??

But their stubborn heart never let them ask this question to each other.

Khushi wrapped her already wet dupatta around herself saving herself from cold. Arnav noticed that, he thought to lend his blazer to her but what if she deny his help!! Not wanting to see any situation like this where she insulting his help, Arnav silently turned off AC and shut the glasses not letting any cold breeze disturb her anymore.

Khushi noticed that, she was thankful to him for doing that.. But she could not thank him.. Saying sorry and thank you to Arnav...was never easy on her side.


Karan asked kissing a sleepy Kaira's head- What did Arnav say then??

Anjali replied, making bed- He said there is nothing so serious.

Karan- Hmm.. Anjali.. I think Arnav and khushi should know the relation shared between them.. What if it becomes late, what if some misunderstanding happens..

Anjali sighed, hugging Karan from one side- Mumma, Papa are too worried, But Panditji asked them not to say anything.. I pray Karan, They both never get hurt after knowing this.. Because I know..they both are equally sensitive and adamant to accept anything.

Karan planted a kiss on Anjali's hair- Let's hope for best.

Anjali hummed.

Karan asked- Anju, Have you ever met khushi's biological father??

Anjali denied- No.. I have never met, Mumma Papa met him once after Khushi's birth. Chotey and Khushi does not even know his name.. Mumma Papa though never told me, but that time I have heard... I don't remember his name that well but I remember his surname Gupta!!

It was Anjali who had shared this with Karan after marriage, there is no sort of secret between them. Their lives with each other was like a open book for them, the incidence of each page is read by them thoroughly. There was trust, believe, love that make the foundation of their relationship so strong.

Kaira steered in sleep. Karan cuddled his little girl close to his embrace caressing her silky hair. Pecking her forehead lovingly, Karan said- Our kiddo is growing up very fast.. I'll miss her childhood.

Anjali laughed. Karan said- By the way Anju, I have a better plan not to miss our baby's childhood.

Anjali asked confusingly- What??

Karan replied playfully- How about having another baby?? This time a boy!!

Anjali could not help but blushed hard looking down.

Teaser- Secret of their hidden marriage revealed in front of Arnav and Khushi.

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