Twenty Four

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Once the show ended, everyone seemed to go their separate ways. Liam, Zayn, Harry, and most of the crew went back to their hotel somewhere in the city. They all seemed pretty tired and given that they were leaving for the road again tomorrow, it was important that they got some sleep. Surprisingly, the whole backstage cleared out pretty fast, making me hope that the crowds of fans had passed. 

Niall and Marlee went out a little before us. They were planning to take a different car than usual and drive around for a little bit, hoping to throw some followers off. Then, they wanted to go down to the Capitol Mall and lay out on the grass. I had done that plenty of times and it was very pretty at night. I could only imagine it being better with your significant other beside you, so I knew that they would have a good time. Both were pretty excited as they left, and Marlee couldn’t seem to let go of Niall. It had only been a few days for her, but she definitely missed him. Maybe that just made them happier. 

Louis and I were some of the last people to leave. We went out to my car and surprisingly made it out of the parking lot with no problems, much different than my arrival. I mentioned that experience to Louis and we both agreed that I would, or I would at least have to, get used to it. 

“My parents are making dinner for us, so I hope you’re hungry.” I told Louis as we got on the highway to head back to the house. It was late, but I had seen the food table and given that they ate at around five, I’m sure he was at least a little hungry. He turned his attention to me as I spoke, and politely waited for me to finish.

“Aren’t you still fighting with them? Last I heard, you all were barely talking.” he spoke, seeming a bit confused which was understandable. I nodded, agreeing with the fact that we were still fighting. I definitely wasn’t going to lie about that, given that a fight could happen tonight, as much as I may try to avoid it. I will do as much as I can to make sure we don’t fight in front of Louis, but I really don’t know my limits well enough to tell if I can.

“Well, we are. But they know you’re in town, and they really want to meet you. Hopefully enough to make amends for the evening.” I say, not only to him but some sort of force above to bless me with that situation. Louis smiles and nods in understanding as I turn off onto the exit to get home. The drive is quiet then, but only for a moment. You really can’t expect Louis to be quiet for anything longer than that. I’ve learned that much from being with him.

“So, I’m already meeting your parents? That’s exciting... I’m quite nervous actually. I have a lot to live up to, yeah? Hm, I’m sweatin' babe.” he said it all quickly and dramatically, in a joking matter which made us both laugh. I was glad he could joke about it, it eased my nerves. He did in fact have a lot to live up to: John was a military man and that was enough to scare any other man. Louis and John were different, quite different. I had no idea what my parents would think of him after getting so used to me with John.

“Don’t worry, Jane. I’m pretty likable, I mean, I’m British and funny and kind. Not really smart, but like I said before funny and kind. I’ve got some money too, but that’s not important. Just don’t worry about it, okay?” Louis smiles at me and I roll my eyes, but still manage to assure him that my worrying is over as we pull into the driveway.

I stop the car and breathe slowly, sending a silent prayer for peace tonight. Before Louis has to lecture me about worrying again, I hurry out of the car and meet him to walk up to the front of the house. I hesitate before knocking on the door, it’s quiet but I make it loud enough for them to at least hear it faintly from the first level of the house. We wait in a quick moment of silence before I hear the lock turning and suddenly the door swings open, revealing both of my parents beaming at us.

I had not seen them this happy since we had begun fighting. It honestly surprised me how easy it was for them to appear happy when meeting Louis. While struggling to understand them, I watched as my mother warmly greeted Louis with a smile, introducing herself and then pulling him in for a soft hug. My father shook his hand firmly, and once they were introduced they both looked at me for a quick moment before stepping out of the way to let us in the house. 

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