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We could be brother and sister,

Two people connected into one person.

One is a reader and the other is a writer- 

Imagine that we are demigods

From lore told that I made up

And you proofread! 

We're the friends you'd see

Snuggled up on a couch

In a cafe on open mic night, 

Our shoulders open for tears

Or thoughts or


Two cats

That met on Halloween,

Strangers entirely but 

Already we skipped in the street

Meowing friendly like we could

Sense each other out;

There were parts in each other

That we shared: similar feelings,

A connection of understanding. 


The solitary seemed over,

Now there's somebody who'll understand, 

A friend for the letting out

And it's perfect, one's an arm slasher

Who grew the tendency out of mistreatment 

And the other is a head-wrecker

Who also liked to sit in the same bleakness

But instead felt tortured by the mind's eye-  

Two beautiful old souls

Trapped in cell-shaped shells

That together are easier to break. 

Ribbons: A Random Assortment of PoetryUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum