Vlogs, Dad Talks and a Letter to Remember

Start from the beginning

"...but when you do find the right person" he continued "the emotions u will feel are...unimaginable. Pidge...whatever u do don't give up on love. It's what makes the world go round"

"Ya...when it works out. It's never going to work out for me... it's not even my priority in life!" Pidge sniffled in defeat. "I don't even know how to deal with a crush even less anything revolving around the idea of love..."

Shiro pulled her into a hug. He hated seeing her like this.

"Pidge listen to me. Just because u don't have a partner right now and have ur heart shattered doesn't mean nobody will ever love you. Believe it or not you've already experienced love. If you hadn't according to Frederick II u wouldn't even be alive right now! We All need love to survive u know. "

Pidge looked up at him and smiled.

"Ha...I guess that's true to a certain extent...If u REALLY want to use that kind of logic. If I remember correctly he wanted to see what language a baby would develop if it had no influences from the outside world. The maids who were responsible of taking care of the babies were forbidden to speak or to give them any human contact whatsoever. In the end all the babies died due to lack of love or affection of any kind. I mean it wasn't his experiments goal, but it did make quite an interesting discovery regarding the fact that babies do need affectionate stimulation to grow."

"You sure do know a lot about science." Shiro chuckled, "You are one of the many people who were lucky enough to find a passion to focus on In This world"

Shiro pulled away slightly a grin slowly appearing on his face. "You know...piloting has always been my passion.  When i felt overwhelmed about things i used to go out for a ride, usually on my hovercraft, and when I could I would pilot a plane for a bit...it Always cleared my head. Maybe that's what u should do Pidge. Use your passion to help you focus on the problem from a different angle in a carefree manner."

Pidge couldn't help breaking out into a smile. That was perfect. Why hadn't she thought of that earlier?

"Shiro...u know ure a genius"

"I know I am" he said smugly in a funny tone. "Or at least I hope I am by now. Srsly I'm pretty sure I've lived more than one lifetime by now!"

They both laughed for a bit.

"Thanks Shiro. I should've talked to someone sooner.Sry I was so defensive back on earth."

"It's ok Pidge. Not everybody feels comfortable sharing their thoughts with others. I should've given you more time."

Pidge smiled and hugged Shiro. For once in a very long time she had finally found...maybe...(if it worked anyway) a solution. Pidge knew exactly what she had to do. It was a mundane way to express herself but it was an efficient idea. She ran out of the room waving goodbye and wishing him luck for the rest of the day.

Shiro smiled and returned to his previous work.

"Ah kids" he whispered under his breath as the door closed behind her.


Pidge ran straight to her room where she ran into Lance in the hall. He was on his way to meet Allura. Again.

"Hey Lance!" She said enthusiastically for the first time ever since their departure from earth.

Lance smiled surprised that she didn't seem mad... or whatever had caused Pidge to act out lately towards him and be distant. He was just glad to have his Pidgey back again.

"Hey! Where are u going so quickly?" He called out "We need to start playing killbot phantasm one soon!"

"Don't worry we will later! I just gotta go...write something down! That way I'll be ready!" Pidge yelled back disappearing down the hall.

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