Not that I'm checking out his ass...

What am I saying, of course I am, he is Sam Kendler.

Sam chuckles and punches my arm lightly before grabbing it and pulling me inside. "Thank you for coming over," My crush looks back at me and smiles, still towing me along into his house. "I know we obviously didn't have the best start but... That's in the past, right?"

I nod my head and once we are finally in his house, I pry his hand off my arm. "Dude, I'm gonna get a bruise if you hold my arm that tight," I laugh at the redness on Sam's face and poke his nose. "Oh chill, I'm fine."

Sam's sister comes into the room, her black hair curled and pushed to the side. "Hi, you're Kayden, right?" I nod my head and smile at her. "I'm Macy, Sam's older sister." Macy sticks out a manicured hand. I take it and shake her hand, seeing the resemblance between Macy and Sam.

"So where are you two going?" Macy asks once we finish our greeting. "Staying here?" Sam nods his head and gives his sister an odd look before grabbing my arm yet again and pulling me up the stairs.

"I hope you don't mind if we just hang out," Sam says, his hand still on my arm and pulling me into a gigantic bedroom that could house at least ten people. The walls are painted a baby blue and are covered in posters of bands and there is even a poster of Channing Tatum. A black bed sits next to a picture window, the view breathtaking as it looks out to a little pond right in the Kendler's backyard.

"Woah," Is the only thing that I can say as I take in Sam's bedroom. Who knew I would ever be in Samuel Kendler's- The boy I like- bedroom.

Sam smiles at me and it seems to light up the whole room. "Yeah well... It's nice and all but I get kinda lonely all by myself."

I look at him in confusion. "But you're Samuel Kendler, everyone loves you," It's true, everyone loves him. He has friends and you can't forget about his loyal fangirls. No, seriously, every time Sam walks past a group of girls, each one let's out a scream.

Every. Fucking. Time.

Sam shrugs and picks up a baseball from on top of his dresser. "Yeah, I am popular, that's a no brainer. But..." He lets out an aggravated sigh and run his fingers through his silky black hair. "But I think there is more to life than parties and people who look at you as "the cool kid". Yeah, that basically describes my life but I'm sick of it. I want to find someone who I love that can love me back for being me. I don't want a fake girlfriend who I don't love because I'm not into girls, and I don't want that girl to love me just because of my looks. I want a guy. Yes, I am admitting this to you because I truly trust you, Kayden, but I want a guy who can love me not only because of my looks, but because of my personality. But do you know how many people like that out in the world? Hardly any because they look at me and think I'm some stuck up asshole who cares nothing excepting partying 'till the crack of dawn, and sleeping with girls who's names I won't remember the next day. And yeah, that was my life, but I'm done with it, Kayden. I am done with being Mr. Popular." With that, he sits on the edge of his bed and holds his head in his hands.

I have the strongest urge to reach out and run my fingers through his hair, to pull him in for a hug, to kiss him. But I'm "straight" and can't do that.

But you know what I say to all that? To hell with it.

"Sam?" I ask in a timid voice, causing my crush to look up at me with sad eyes. "I wasn't being... One hundred percent truthful..." Confusion dances across his adorable face, his eyebrows scrunching together and his lips pressing into a hard line.

"What? What haven't you been truthful about?" He stands in front of me, his height making me feel like a midget.

I suck in a deep breath, filling my lungs to the point of aching, and say in one breath "I'mgay,"

I Think I'm Gay (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now