Chapter 1: Until Dawn

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Narrator POV

Leon was dead asleep in his bed which was a black and green mix of pillows and sheets. His room was fairly small with tons of splatfest posters from his home town. Leon was familiar with "Off the Hook" becuase he owns 2 albums by them and a pearl plushie on his desk. He tried keeping clean and tidy, but it never worked out as great as his mother would want. Leon also tends to laze around which explains his messes. It was 8 am, Saturday morning middle of spring and with spring comes the warmth of the sun of Leons window, poking at his face until the green inkling slowly rose.

Leon POV

"This damn sun! Its every morning with you!" Said a tired Leon. "What time is it?...8? Perfect, gives me plenty of time to pack for my trip" He says. Leon looked over as he noticed his door was opening. "Goodmorning my little sweety!" Says his bubbly mother. "Jesus mom, im 18! Im not little and im not your sweetheart either!" "C'mon Leon, im your mother and your my son, you'll always be my sweetypie no matter the age" said his mother while smiling. Leon groaned at these words of his mother and just got up and left for the kitchen as his mother followed behind him holding something.

Leon made himself some breakfast, eggs and toast, and sat at the table. His mother noticed and sat down next to him holding his pearl plushie. Leon had a smug look on his face upon the sight in front of him. "Don't get cooked! Stay Off the Hook!" His mother sang while making the pearl doll dance. "(Sigh) Mom im not 5"  "Then why do you have dolls in your room?"  "1. I like pearl 2. Its to show loyalty m'kay?" "Alrighty, your sister stopped by with a present for you" His mother said as she walked off to go and grab the gift. Leon chewing his food heard this and was excited. He hasn't seen his sister in months due to the distance between them but was able to stop by and drop off a "miss you" gift. His mother enters the kitchen with a box that was pretty big. "She said this item should help you in turf wars" she said with a big smile on her face. "Theres a letter attached to it" she says. Leon pushed his plate aside and carefully opened the letter from his sister. It read: HEY LEON! Hows my favorite little bro? I was in town recently and wanted to give you this! The weapon smith just made it and your one of the first to own it! Why don't you try it out? You have amazing aim after all! Hope to see you soon!     

                                                 Love, Jessica

"She is so amazimg, im really lucky to have such a sister like her" Leon says with a smile. Leon then opened the box and inside was one hell of a weapon. A Charger MKII. Newest of its kind with precision aim and no build up per shot. It was bulky with a scope the size of his arm. Long and lengthy with a strap to go around his body. Shot ink with a distance up to 1000Meters. Leons jaw dropped to the floor upon looking at this beauty.            
"She definitely knows me ill say that, but look at this, its...its...." He starts tearing up. "ITS BEAUTIFUL!!!" Leon says like a little girl. "Your sister loves you very much so you better take care of that and not ruin the chambers or the barrel" His mother explained. Leon nodded and went directly into his room with it. "This will be perfect for my ranked matches in Inkopolis, ive been a sniper for years and with this, its about to get messy!" Leon told himself.

Cynthias POV

Cynthia just chuckled at Leons reaction to his gift. "He may be 18, but he still has the soul of his youth" She smiled. She cleaned up breakfast and started to wash the dishes as she then was startled to someone poking her.

Leons POV

Leon startled his mother which startled him also. "I can wash those for you, its my mess anyway" said Leon.  "I knew you were a sweetheart!" As she grabbed his cheeks and pulled them. Leon just rolled his eyes and started to clean. Soon when he finished he noticed his mother vaccuming the hallway which he volunteered to help. "Let me do this go lay down" says a helpful Leon. His mother became skeptical as it wasn't like Leon to help like this considering how lazy he was. He just had that lazy look in his eyes too. Leon then finished vaccuming when he caught his mother dusting the bookshelfs. " Gimme that, i said to go lay down, you've been busy" She let go and handed him the duster. He began his cleaning while his mother walked off to her room.

Cynthias POV

As she was laying down in her bed trying to relax, she couldn't get the thought of Leon helping like this, it really wasn't like him to do this. (He is a very respectful and raised right child but could not clean for his life) his mother thought then chuckled. She then went to check on him to see his progress but he wasn't there. The bookshelf was SPOTLESS as if it was just bought! She smiled at this and went to Leons room to ask him a few questions.

Leons POV

Leon was just gazing at his new Charger MKII. he was a sucker for guns, but this one he knew was the one. " Maybe after i finished packing, i could do some target practice down by the Inkopolis gym!" He said cheerfully. Upon saying this sentence, his mother was in his room and heard everything. "Leon...." his mother said with a low tone. Leon jumped a bit to her voice but responded. "Yes?" "What is this i hear about you...packing?" She said worried. Leon was lost at words. He hadn't told his mother about the further "achieving" of his turf war legacy. "M-mother?, theres something ive been meaning to talk to you about...about my career" Leon said holding the back of his neck. "Go on" His mother said looking serious. "My dream is to become the best of the best out there in the turf war and ive gotten so many invites to tournaments and recieved scholarships to other cities to participate, and i was thinking about it...i wanna do it, i wanna fullfill this dream and do it for me, for you, for us, the Spletzers! Are you...mad?" Leon said now worried. His mother then embraced him with the tightest hug ever. "Oh Leon i would never be mad over your career, this is a huge oppertunity for you! You were always the top squid in the rankings here in squidtopia, and in our hearts! Im so proud of you Leon!" His mother said with tears rolling down her face. Leon grasped her and said "Thank you for understanding, i knew this day would come when i leave, trust me im a nervous wreck just thinkimg about going to a new city" He said. His mother pulled back. "And what city invited you for the leagues?" She asked concerned. Leon pointed at a map on his wall. "Inkopolis!"

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