I laughed a bit and she growled. "So why can't you drink Peredite's blood?" I asked as I moved so I was sitting beside her.

"I can, but her blood doesn't taste like blood, and I don't necessarily know if it's good for me." Aviri answered.

"My blood is purple, and apparently tastes like Gasoline." Peredite shrugged.

"That's how it smells anyway." Aviri corrected.

"That's weird..." I narrowed my eyes.

"Her blood is liquid plasma." Kira said. "Its straight up energy."

"Cool... I think." I tilted my head as Aviri gripped my shirt tightly and brought her mouth to my neck before sinking her teeth in like she needed it more than anything. At first she was very tense, but after a few seconds she began to relax like the pain went away.

She was not as gentle as Kira was. In fact, her bite hurt a lot. But I guess it wasn't as bad as it could have been.

"Aviri, try not to drink her dry." Kira said as she brought her violin back up to her chin. Aviri flipped her off without pulling her fangs out of my neck as Kira continued to play her violin.

I didn't know what Aviri meant when she said that Kira's violin made me 'lustful'. I didn't feel any different, I just loved the sounds. And I already loved Kira so what difference did it make.

I couldn't help but smile at how playful the two of them were together.

Aviri leaned back after a minute or so but I was a little light headed and thought it was best if I didn't try to get up.

"Alright Zoe, stop freeloading in my body." Aviri sighed, she was pretty much snuggled against me, and I didn't have the energy to push her away.

Zoe appeared beside the bed with her arms crossed before she rolled her eyes. Aviri shivered beside me before pretty much melting against me.

I chuckled and put a hand on her head. "Are you part animal too?" I asked.

"Don't be ridiculous. I didn't steal the Philosopher's Stone." Aviri answered.

"Are you sure about that?" Kira smirked.

Aviri raised her head from my chest, which she was using as a pillow, and glared at Kira. "I did not steal the Philosopher's Stone!"

"Oh really?"

"Yes really! You did! And now you have something in common with Bells and Kat." Aviri teased.

Kira rolled her eyes. "I was like 200 years old."

"Myra was stealing stuff at four." I told them.

"Myra took after her kitty cat mother." Aviri answered with a sneer.

"I only have the cat ears. I'm not a full blown Lattemer." Kira sighed, she was still playing her violin as if she wasn't in the middle of an argument.

Zoe stepped back a bit as Kira stepped over, taking the bow off her violin and poking the symbol on Aviri's hand getting Aviri to shiver and raise her head with a snarl. On the top of her head were two cat ears very similar to the ones Kira had.

"We're twins idiot." Kira smiled as she sat back on the nightstand. "Anything that happens to one of us, happens to the other. But you already knew that didn't you?"

"Of course I knew that. I was just hoping you were too stupid to know that." Aviri sighed before leaning back.

I pet her ears getting her to stiffen a bit before relaxing into my touch.

"And I'm the cuddly one." Kira rolled her eyes.

Aviri growled and went to reach for Kira with her right arm, but stumbled to the side a bit before she caught herself.

Her arm couldn't raise above the shoulder.

Did this happen when her arm was severed off? Or when she was stabbed protecting Kira?

Kira took notice of this and a frown crossed her face. "Are you alright?" She asked.

Aviri moved off me and stood up, a guilty smile on her lips. "I'm fine Kira. Relax." She touched the symbol on her own hand and allowed her cat ears to vanish.

"But your arm-."

"My arm is fine." Aviri said. "This happened a while ago."

"What do you mean? I've never seen you have that problem before." Kira said.

"I've hid it very well." Aviri said. She gently took the violin from Kira's hands and set it on my lap along with the bow before she hugged Kira tightly, her head resting on top of Kira's. "I mean it. It doesn't hurt. It just doesn't want to raise is all. But I'm left handed so it's alright." With that she let go of her sister and motioned for Peredite to follow her. "I'm going to go see Rose. You two have fun, and don't have sex on my bed."

With that, Aviri left. Kira held a fake smile, till Aviri disappeared out the door. Then she looked down at her right hand and frowned.

"What is it?" I asked her.

"I'm right handed." she said.

Aviri lied.

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