Chapter 25

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I slammed my fists into the dirt, trying to reopen the portal, or break free, but it closed the moment Myra's hand slipped from mine.

Exodious let out a laugh as I felt Akiya's half of our soul be ripped from my grasp. I snarled up at the Devil who smiled back at me.

"How does it feel to loose her again?" Exodious asked.

"I haven't lost her yet." I growled.

"Are you sure?" Exodious smiled.

"Unlike you, I can sense when my other half is dead. And although you've cut me off from her mind, her soul is still mine, and I'll know when she's dead." I retorted.

"We'll see about that." Exodious laughed. "You keep an eye on that soul fragment then."

"I will."

Ari ran over to me and touched my shoulder, trying to calm my rage, but instead I charged forwards, and wrapped my hands around Exodious's neck. I expected my hands to phase through her, but instead they gripped her flesh, and a look of confusion took hold of her face.

"If my sister dies, I'll storm your mine single handedly, and when the rest of the troops return, I'll be the only living thing there, holding your black hole of a heart in the palm of my hand where I'll bring it back up to Elysium for them to do with as they please. So you best hope she stays alive for your sake, otherwise there will be no place safe on heaven or hell for you to hide from my wrath." Smoke billowed from my jaws as the words slithered out behind my clenched teeth.

Exodious regained her composure and snarled. "We'll see."

She faded away into black mist and I spun around, slamming my fist into the dirt once again, this time, my fist going about a foot into the ground before I stood up and roared as loud as I could, getting flames to erupt from my mouth.

"Calm your flame Nokiya. They aren't dead yet." Avali told me.

"I let them both slip from my grasp. I had her in my hands!" I yelled.

"The portal was meant for them. You couldn't have stopped it if you tried." Avali answered.

"I let her slip away again!" I bellowed.

"Enough!" Avali roared. "Myra has left you in charge. Not only that but did you see what you just did?"

"Who cares?" I asked.

"You willed yourself to grip her mind." Ari explained. "You took control of Order, and it did not drain you."

I blinked. "I did? I did! But what's that supposed to mean?"

Draconian put a hand on my shoulder as she materialized behind me. "It means you're also a threat to Exodious, and that's why she fled."

I looked at her over my shoulder then back at Avali. "How did she do that to them?"

"A portal designed specifically for someone takes years to create. Less time if only meant for a one way trip. However, something for Myra and Akiya would take far too long to duplicate. So it will take at least a year to make one for you, so you're safe for now." Avali explanined. "But we must gather everyone in the throne room and explain what just happened to them. They need to know."

"Right." I took Ari's hand and ran back inside with the other's following. When I ran into the Throne room, Rose saw the look on my face and summoned everyone to the throne room.

"Exodious showed up." I told them as I stared at Rose. "She used a portal and sent Myra and Akiya somewhere."

Rose's eyes widened as she stood up, the worry on her face crushed my soul and I dropped to my knees, tears dripping down my face.

If even Rose was worried, then my sister was in serious trouble.

"Do you know where they sent them?" Rose asked.

"Exodious didn't say. The portal was designed specifically for the two of them." Avali said. "And one more thing. Myra left Nokiya in charge."

"Rose is in charge. Not me." I looked over my shoulder at Avali.

"You will be the new icon." Rose explained. "Your word is right under mine."

"I don't want it to be!" I barked as I looked back at Rose.

"You don't have a choice." Rose answered.

"She used Order to grip Exodious's thoughts." Avali added.

There were gasps from my family, but otherwise nothing more was said.

"Seeing how Camlia, Dragoon, Emma and Alexis aren't here, I assume they were pulled through with them?" Rose asked.

"As their weapons and companions, they are part of them, so I guess the portal didn't realize they were there." Avali shrugged.

"Bellatrix was with Myra." I said.

"Bellatrix?" Rose looked at me. "You retrieved her?"

"I suggested it. Myra needed a blade that could never fail her." Avali said.

"I suppose... well, where ever they are, they are armed to the teeth then." Rose said before she turned to look at Amy. "Find them." She ordered.

"I'll get right on it." Amy said before rushing off to her lab.

"And what of everyone else?" I asked.

Rose looked down at me with a glare. "We're done waiting around. We can't wait for Myra and Akiya to show up, we have to take the fight to Exodious now. They're picking us off now." Rose said.

"Are you sure we're ready?" Kira asked.

"We don't have a choice." Rose said. "Ready the armies, and prepare for war. We're leaving by tomorrow morning. Bells, Kat, Opal, Gale, and Chris, get the horses ready." Her silver eyes glowed a menacing shade that told me she was done letting Exodious hurt us. "We're going to war." She snarled.

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