Chapter 21

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Meditating is easy. Its meditating on what you're trying to connect with that's the hard part.

Aria was very kind to lend me her living room for the hours it would take for me to meditate. I've practiced it before so although it was difficult to connect to my past life, I was able to do it quickly.

I met my past self in a field of flowers that stretched farther than I could see.

She was much more battle hardened in body, but her face was unscathed, and soft. She was an adult, so probably in her millions, or even billions. She was wearing leather pants that looked hand made, but they also looked soft and comfortable. She was wearing a long sleeve white shirt with a brown vest over it that was buttoned up making her look almost professional.

She smiled softly at me when I got there. "It took you long enough." She smiled as she crossed her arms.

I pretty much just stared blankly at her, unsure of my next move.

"Hello to you too." She laughed.

"How did you die?" Was the first thing that came out of my mouth. My past self stared at me for a moment before rubbing the back of her head.

"I guess it was Ari who made you talk to me then. Um... how is she?" My past self looked broken, knowing Ariadne had met me.

"She's doing well, but when she showed me your ashes, she tried to hide the pain of your loss. She really misses you." I explained.

She sighed. "Y-yeah. I miss her too. But I'm stuck in purgatory until we either merge or you pass on."

"Merge? That doesn't sound pleasant."

"Its just me teaching you all I have to know. So our memories merge." She explained.

"Oh... would that make me fall in love with Ariadne?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I guess so. I'm your first life, so it's not as though I have practice getting my predecessor's memories." She smiled. "But if you two do end up together... please take care of her, and try not to die."

"How did you die?" I asked again.

"Olexious's son poisoned me."


"Mortimer? I don't think he was born yet. Olexious's first born." My past self explained.

My eyes widened. "He has another son?"

"He sent his son to kill Ari because she knows things only Gods can know. Ari knew all of Olexious's plans and hiding places because she can hear everything the plants do. So I protected her." My past self waved her hand behind her as she turned slightly.

The image came up of her gripping a normal sword and facing a black dragon. Ariadne stood behind her, almost cowering in fear. This told me that Ariadne was not familiar with combat.

The black dragon roared and charged at Nokiya- my past self- and kept slashing at her. But Nokiya was easily able to dodge and block as if it was nothing more than a simple game.

This "dance" lasted almost ten minutes before the black dragon brought its claws down causing Nokiya to side step with a smirk, only to wail as the dragon slammed its tail into her back.

The wound sizzled as soon as the tail was removed. Nokiya dropped to her knees and Ariadne cried out.

"No one left to save you!" The black dragon bellowed as Nokiya fell onto her face. Then the image faded as my predecessor slowly died.

Stargazer (Lesbian Story, OLD)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang