Chapter 33

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I grabbed Bella once again, and growled. "Mom! Get everyone out of here!" I ordered.

Alison grabbed Kira's arm and started pulling her away. Aviri followed after them.

However Nokiya and Akiya came up on either side of me and took their stances, ready to assist however they could.

"I said get out!" I roared.

"Your parent's may respect your authority," Nokiya smirked.

"But we don't." Akiya answered.

I rolled my eyes as Avalar and Avalon exchanged glances before running past us and over to their mother, whom I couldn't see.

"Link up." I told them.

They nodded and opened their minds to me. I could hear their thoughts, and those of their weapons.

Akiya yelped and looked at her arm just as the golden brace materialized around upper arm. "Kronos! I missed y-

Where the fuck were you!? Kronos roared in her thoughts.

"I didn't exactly willingly leave." Akiya growled as she took her stance again.

We fell through the portal and I was suddenly in Elysium!Kronos yelled.

"I was in the human world so quit your bitching." Akyia snarled as she gripped Dragoon tightly.

Akiya. This time Dragoon's voice. Let me fight alone.

Akiya laughed. "I know you probably have a better chance than we will, but she's the reason Nokiya suffered, she's the reason I left, she's the reason Rose died. There is no way in hell, I'm not going to participate in her downfall."

"Such noble words from such a pathetic dragon." Exodious laughed.

"Oh, don't you give us that shit." Nokiya mocked. "You sent her and Myra away because you knew they were a threat to you, and now I have Order as well, which means I can will all of your tricks to be nullified."

"We'll see about that." Exodious snarled before lashing its shadow tentacles forward. Alexis had me jump and barrel roll in mid air, and I heard two of them fly past above and bellow me.

Akiya and Nokiya were not as agile. And instead Akiya blocked with her shield and I could hear Camelia groan in pain from it. Nokiya swung her sword towards the attack and cut through the tentacle. Exodious snarled and went to swing at her again, but Akiya and I lept forward, ready to defend her.

Just hold on Camelia. I heard Akiya call.

This is nothing! Camelia yelled.

Akiya blocked another swing with the shield, then swung her sword over, and sliced off another tentacle. I blocked the side she opened as she swung, cutting through another.

The severed tentacles withered away, before reappearing back on Exodious's body.

"You are not Fragments, or Gods at all. Your race just tells themselves that they have Gods to defend them when in reality they have nothing!" Exodious warned.

"Then you should know that the two dragons before you are each half of a single Fragment. They have the power to kill you because they are true gods." I answered.

Exodious snarled again and went to strike me, but Nokiya slammed the flat of her blade on one of the tentacles bringing all the attention to her. However Akiya jumped onto the tentacle and ran towards Exodious who was furiously swinging at her.

Stargazer (Lesbian Story, OLD)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن