Chapter 11

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The first thing I did was swing my arm, letting my shield fly off and spin into the fray. I expected it to slam into Kira's chest and knock her clean off her feet, but Kira dropped into the splits and ducked under it, but swung her arm up just as it sailed over her head. She stood back up, gripping the inside frame of the shield before sending it straight back like a Frisbee.

I yelped but Dragoon's reflexes snapped me out of it. She pin dropped low and my arm was in the right place at the right time, allowing the shield to clasp back into place.

I stood back up and let out a sigh, knowing I was not going to be decapitated.

However because of my strike on Kira, her attention was completely focused on me.

Which was something I desperately didn't want.

"No! Nokiya made fun of you, go kill her!" I complained as I raised my shield to block her kick which sent me skidding back, only a few feet away from the outside of the ring.

She flipped off my shield and landed on her feet then lunged forward.

Dragoon! I can't keep up with her! I can't even see her! I complained.

Camelia is faster than me. Dragoon answered.

Camelia's influence slowed the world around me allowing me to see Kira's movements.

I ducked under her dagger and rolled behind her. She growled and spun around but I raised my shield and blocked her kick.

What the hell am I supposed to do if I can't use time? Kronos growled.

Look pretty? Dragoon suggested.

I hate you.

Kira stepped towards me with a smile as I rose to my feet, holding my shield in front of me. Kira spun the daggers in her hand then gripped them so the blade was pointed downward. She then held them against her arms and I knew what she planned on doing.

She was going to use science against me.

The closer the weapon is to your body, the less it can resist the force of the air. If you swing your sword over your head it catches all the air, but if you hold it close, you can control it better.

Not to mention Kira's blades were curved especially so she could do this.

I spun Dragoon in my grasp and took my stance.

Kira smirked and her left eye turned purple, telling me her Shade was going to be helping her. She charged forwards and swung her right arm. I blocked with my shield and pressed on her. She growled and pressed back against me, holding her blade against my shield.

I wondered if her blades were double sided.

"They are, but the leather on my forearms is specially designed not to give into them." Kira smirked. Her Shade materialized out of her back and loomed over my head, it's arms bladed swords. "Shall we continue?" She asked.

"I hate you." I complained. I pushed forward knocking her off balance. Her Shade lashed down and stabbed one of her arms into the ground just behind my shield causing me to have to take a step back. I growled and pressed forwards again with enough force to knock her on her back.

"You're not physically strong, but you're fast. Too bad I have Camelia to help me." I smiled.

"Camelia is not faster than me." Kira glared.

"We'll see." I swung my sword over my head and brought it down. Kira sat up and spread her legs so the tip of my sword landed about an inch away from her pelvis. She looked up and glared at me but I only smiled.

She rolled backwards and kicked me in the jaw. I released my sword to grab my face, which allowed her to slam into me. She pinned my legs and raised her daggers to stab into me, but I grabbed her wrists to hold her back.

We were at a stale mate, her pin meant my strength was meaningless. Even if I held back her arms, I couldn't get away because her body was on mine.

"This isn't a stale mate." She told me.

Her Shade materialized in front of her, so it was between us. It's bladed arm threatened to stab into my chest, but red chains wrapped around Kira causing her Shade to stumble.

"You will not touch her Lady Kira." Dragoon's voice called from behind. The chains pulled on Kira's arms, but her red eye glowed brightly.

"If I could shift right now!" She roared.

"But you can't." I smiled.

As Dragoon started to win against Kira's strength, the chains went limp and Kira slammed back into me, pinning my wrists too. She looked over her shoulder and I looked past her, seeing Alison had cut through Dragoon's chains as she leaped back from Mari who had just lunged towards her, locking them both back in a duel.

Kira smiled and I growled. This duel wasn't just between her and I, it was a team effort and the Vampire side knew that. Alison was way ahead of us.

Nokiya, how are you holding up? I called to her.

Aviri is nuts! She's too damn flexible and counters all my attacks. She growled.

Do you think you can maybe knock Kira over or something? I asked.

Give me a minute.

Kira smiled as she listened to the conversation in my head. "So I guess you're stuck here." She said.

"If you're going to have your Shade stab me then do it." I narrowed my eyes.

"Nah. I prefer to bite first." She laughed and leaned down.

"I don't think so!" I barked. I head butted her with my dragon skull which probably rattled her brains. Her strength left her for the moment and she collapsed on me in a daze. I reached out with my hand and Dragoon flew back into my grasp just as Kira's head raised showing off both her purple eyes.

"Oh shit." I whined, realizing with Kira unconscious, her Shade was free to take control.

She leaned back and slammed her daggers down but I managed to pull my shield arm back and block the blow. There was only so much I could do with her on top of me.

Dragoon some chains would be nice! I roared.

Chains shot out from the dirt around me and Kira leaped back, black blood dripped from the wounds that the chains inflicted on her. I stood up and the chains followed me, posed around me, ready to attack.

"Shit!" Mari yelled. I heard a painful wack and before I realized it, Mari was propped up against the coliseum wall, with it cracked behind her.

I turned my head just as Alison planted a drop kick in my chest knocking me right back on my ass. She rolled back onto her feet and stood next to Kira with a smile.

"Did I take too long?" Alison asked.

"Kira's in a daze from her head butt." Kira answered, though I knew it was her Shade.

"We can still take her." Alison smiled.

"I HATE YOU MARI!" I bellowed.

"I didn't see the blow coming! For a werewolf she's just too fast!" Mari complained.

Stargazer (Lesbian Story, OLD)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang