With that, I heard a simple click, and Camelia was still smiling.

I turned my head, seeing that she had somehow managed to get a handcuff on my wrist and the other end to the bed post.

"I'm not comfortable with this." I told her as I looked back at her.

"I need a ring first." Camelia said as she held up her ring finger like she was flipping me off.

"Then unlock them!" I barked.

She held up the key which I reached for, only to have her pull her hand away. "Not so fast love." Camelia teased. "How much do you love me?" She asked.

"You know how much I love you. But right now it's kinda starting to slip away." I growled.

"We have a link, you're love can only grow." She rolled her eyes. "Anyway, I wanna hear you say it. With all your passion. Tell me how much you love me."

I blinked at her. Sometimes she was just so hard to understand. She was fun, and kind, and gentle when she wanted to be. But other times, she was just so hard to read.

"I'm waiting." She called with a huge grin on her face as she twirled the key around on her finger.

I rolled my eyes. "I love you just as much as I love Nokiya. Which is more than the moon needs the stars to light up our world. More than the sun needs the moon to change day to night." I told her. "My heart pounds when you get close, and hurts when you're away."

Camelia smiled brightly before leaning up to kiss me again. Our mouths danced together, and I won't lie, I loved the kiss. But as she was distracted by it, I let my dragon tail reach up and try to get the keyring out of her hand.

Just as I was about to pull it away, Camelia moved her arm, pinning the tail against the bed where she reached over to grab it with her other hand. With my free hand I gripped her wrist, preventing her from getting it.

"It seems we're at a stale mate." I narrowed my eyes.

"Oh no." She smiled. "I have plenty more tricks up my sleeve." With that she opened her mouth, and her once human tongue, was now a purple snakes tongue that was decently long. It wrapped around the keyring and pulled it into her mouth.

"If you swallow that I swear to god." I growled.

"Then you better not surprise me." Camelia teased, her voice a little muffled with the key in her mouth.

I leaned my head back and released her wrist and willed my tail to vanish. She laughed and pulled the key from her mouth.

"You're a silly little dragon aren't you?" She asked.

I snapped back up and grabbed her hand which held the key, getting a surprised look on her face in return. She brought her other hand over to try and pull my hand away, but my grip was stronger than her's.

"What do I have to do to get you to get the damn cuff off. I can't hold you with one hand. It's not comfortable." I told her.

She leaned back with a smile. "So you want to hold me?" She asked.

"Of course I do. What I said before was true." I told her.

She leaned forward again and unlocked the cuff before taking my lips in her own once again. This time it was as though she put all her passion into it. All her love and need was pressed into this kiss as out tongues danced about together.

She practically murred into it, which I could only laugh at. "You calm your flame." I told her.

She whined before glaring at me. "I'm closer to my dragon instincts then you are. You only get close to them when you're in combat, I have to deal with them constantly." Camelia pouted, looking absolutely adorable.

Stargazer (Lesbian Story, OLD)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang