The beast swung a huge paw at her, only for her to block with her shield arm.

No wait! She punched the paw!

Exodious snarled in anger and Akiya jumped off just as her other paw came rushing towards her. She brought down her sword, and I swear I saw Dragoon pulse.

The sword hacked into Exodious who roared in agony.

Nokiya lunged forward in Exodious's pain, and spun, dragging her sword across Exodious's chest. The beast stumbled backwards falling on its back. Akiya wasted no time leaping back into the air, to bring down her sword for the killing blow, however the tentacles lashed out and swatted her away as the beast stood back up.

Akiya hit the metal platform hard but she picked herself up. Bella almost burned my palm in anticipation, and I gladly obliged.

I jumped forward, and brought my sword down over a tentacle. Nokiya used my back as a spring board and launched herself towards Exodious's head. She slashed at her, but another tentacle went to strike her.

Akiya was back on her feet and she roared as her eyes turned yellow. The red chains lashed out from behind her and wrapped around, or stabbed through the rest of the tentacles. Nokiya's strike was clear and opened, and she slashed across the monster's chest getting it to wail out in pain.

Exodious was furious. It slammed down onto all fours and charged towards Nokiya who had just landed. Instead I shifted into my beast form and brought down my much larger sword over Exodious's head.

Black blood covered my blade and the monster stumbled back, its head cut in half before latching back together where it roared at me.

"How do we kill her?" Akiya asked.

"You need to use Chaos and Order together." I told them.

"Together? That might be a bad idea." Nokiya said. "They might cancel each other out."

"They won't!" I answered.

They exchanged glances before calling to their swords. Dragoon and Draconian vibrated the air around us. Exodious knew what was going to happen and she went to attack them, but I slashed my sword, slicing her arm off her body.

Myra, having them both use their powers together, might cause the Fragments within them to want to come together. Bella told me.

I deflected another blow from Exodious before spinning and slamming my tail into her to throw her back. I then looked over my shoulder and glanced at the twins whose eyes were closed, and the energy coming from them seemed palpable.

Did I just sentence them to being bound together? Did I ruin their lives?

No. They were stronger, separated, and they knew that. They wouldn't let themselves be consumed by this new power. They would fight it just as hard as they would fight Exodious.

Exodious roared in absolute rage, as I would not let her get close enough to the twins to disrupt their harmony.

I slashed Exodious across the leg, but the monster was healed before it's knee his the ground. It picked itself up and hurled itself at the twins before I could react.

However their eyes opened, and it looked like Exodious had slammed into a solid wall. Their eyes were a solid black like the void, and their swords seemed to pulse in their hands.

Akiya held up her shield arm and lunged forward, throwing the force field with her, launching Exodious back before it suddenly vanished and Exodious leaned forward without the invisible wall's support. Akiya then slashed her sword forward in a deadly ark that cut the Devil in half.

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